Ch. 3

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This is going to go back a little bit before everyone ended the stream to eliminate confusion.

TW for this chapter: death threats


You laughed loudly with everyone else before quickly leaving the VC to end the stream.

You wheezed for a moment longer, your ungraceful cackles screeching through your microphone as you banged your hand on your desk, falling out of your chair.

You know for a fact that if you had a facecam chat would be going even crazier than they were already. The prospect just made you laugh more, and then you tried talking through the laughter... it didn't work.

"ch-chAT... BYE CHAT- AHSHAKKOCPDMKS- s-sorry-I- h-hELP-BHAHAHHAHAAAAA-" your mic cut out as you became too loud.

BEE ARE YOU OK, someone donated with text to speech.

"No. No, I am not." Your laughter finally settled and you actually started saying bye to your chat.

"Alright, dickheads. That about wraps it up for the stream, I think. This was inSANE. Like, actually INSANE guys. I don't know if you guys realize this, but I legitimately was NOT prepared to do this today, so sorry if it was super sudden and really scuffed. I think the next stream will be a short QNA to answer some more questions. Anyways... yea... that wraps it up, I love you all bye!"

Right before you click end stream you glanced at chat one last time and saw a singular message that really got to you.

#1karljacobsimp11: bitch stop clout chasing, everyone knows you want to sabotage karl and take his viewers. just die already and stop pretending people like you

A stone dropped inside you as you hit the button that would make your stream end.

You sighed as you slid away from your setup and took off your headphones.

Maybe they're right, you thought to yourself, opening Instagram.

You immediately saw you had a bunch of DM's from a bunch of random people and opened a few.

If you don't kill yourself, I'll kill you

you're so annoying just kill yourself already

nobody thinks youre funny stfu

You blinked away tears and immediately turned off your phone, putting the device in your hoodie pocket and leaving the room.

You heard Karl saying goodbye to his stream through his door and walked down the hall to your bedroom, quietly shutting the door and flopping down onto your small bed, your face buried in a pillow as sobs wracked your body.


410 words


already working on the next chapter as I release this, sorry it's short I'll make up for it in the next chapter  :D

big pog to @Skylight_Dreamer for motivating me to write this chapter with their comment on the last chapter <3

Have a good night/day, take your meds if you have any, drink water, eat something (I say this as I do none of the above- fun fact I blacked out today and yesterday multiple times because I haven't been taking my iron meds :D FUN!!)

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