Ch. 17

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A/N: Smol time skip, about 20 mins, you guys have been laying in the bed joking around.

TW for this chapter: panic attack


"Hey, Ranboo?" You muttered after a few minutes, cuddling close to him until your head was nestled into the crook of his neck, his own head resting on yours, lips pressed against the top of your head.

"Yea?" He smiled and looked down at you, pulling you tighter into his chest with a sideways grin.

"I was just wondering where we stand now...?" He smiled wider and nodded for permission, cupping the back of your neck. You smiled, nodding back.

He kissed you, this one slower and more passionate than the first, holding each other close and smiling against one another.

After a short moment, you both pulled away, breath unsteady and cheeks flushed.

"Holy... SHIT." You laughed, kissing the end of his nose with a smile. He cackled and hugged you tightly, peppering your cheeks in kisses.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now, Y/n/n." He said, grinning and buzzing with happiness.

"Yes, I definitely do considering I have been more excited than you for this."

"Not possible. The entire time on that call, when I went quiet, was because what you said changed everything." He closed his eyes and grimaced, watching your face fall. "No, no, I'm sorry that sounded bad. I just- I really, really, really, like you, and I kinda just realized this was real, and that if- if you liked me, and I liked you, the entire meetup would be completely different." He kissed you on the corner of your mouth and stared down at your hands, which were intertwined lovingly between you both, suddenly shy. "And I wouldn't have wished for anything else, Y/n."

You blushed, cheeks flaming as you squealed slightly and squeezed his hand, acting like an excited little kid.

"This is a dream, tell me this isn't a dream. This has to be a dream." You hold him tighter, happy tears leaking through as you hold him tight.

"Hey, hey, it's ok, love. This is real. I love you, this isn't a dream."

"Wait, what the fuck did you just call me?" You squinted at him, sitting up and away from him, mouth set into a grin.

"Noooo come bacckkkkk...." He baby-talked, pulling you closer until you were spooning under the covers, happier than ever.

"Does this mean we're dating?" You asked, voice quiet as you started drifting off into an afternoon nap.

"Only if you want it to." He murmured, his beautiful smile obvious in his voice.

"I'm starting to think I do. I think I really do." You grin sleepily and kiss his chin lightly, before drifting off into a peaceful slumber of cotton-candy dreams.


You wake a few hours later, Ranboo's sleeping form still wrapped around you lovingly.

You sit up and trail your hand through his hair, brushing it off of his forehead lightly and tucking a few messy pieces behind his ears. You continued brushing through his hair until he slowly woke up, eyes blinking wearily until he sees you and grins, pulling you down to give you a light kiss on the corner of your mouth, and then another on your nose.

"Good afternoon, baby."

You scrunched up your nose, shaking your head.

"Not that one?" He asks, grimacing. You nod, "Yeah I don't like it either. We'll find a better one." He says, laughing as he pecks your cheek again.

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now