Ch. 27

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Time skip a few days, you haven't been streaming but the anxiety around it is calming down because the twitter drama has chilled out and you don't care much anymore. There are still like, 6 weeks of the trip, which means the brit's are leaving in 2 weeks and the americans are staying another 4.
You tapped your fingers idly as you waited impatiently for the water to boil, a fast song of rhythmic drumming coming to shape from the tap tap tap.

Slowly, a set of arms wound their way around your hips and a stubble-ridden jaw nuzzled into your collar. Your tapping stopped in order to pass a quick hand through the coarse blonde hair that came with this sleepy surprise surprise.

"Hello, sleepyhead." You said quietly as to not startle Ranboo in his half-asleep form.

"Hello, pendejo."

"I'm going to assume Quackity told you to say that." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Uuhhh yea, he was teaching me how to flirt in spanish. Does that not mean gorgeous!?" He sounded more awake but sank farther into the hug.

"Uh-huh. Let's just go with that, bubs."

He shrugged, resuming his tired stare at the kettle.

"Watcha makin'?"

"Tea. For you since you need something caffeinated because you slept until noon."

"Oh my lorrrdddd. I love you." He kissed the side of your neck, making you laugh at the tickly sensation his stubble brought forth against your skin.

"I love you more."

"Not possibleee~" He sing-songed, swaying side to side a bit as he held the hug.

"Keep telling yourself that then." You muttered, peppering kisses on his cheek.

"Where is everyone, anyways?"

You turned around and made it a real hug, wrapping your hands around him and resting them on the small of his back, your head on his chest. He quickly adjusted to the change, straightening up and holding you tighter.

"Everyone went into town about an hour ago. Nobody wanted to wake you up so I decided to stay here with you." You poked him in his side jokingly before squeezing him tighter into the hug.

"What do you want to do? Video games, stream, beach, vigorously make-out, movies and cuddles, eat mass amounts of junk food, orrr.... dance?"

"Uhh, do you know how to dance, Boo?"

"Let's find out..." He said, wiggling his eyebrows before moving away, his hand settling into your own and his other residing on your hip. You quickly adjusted and placed your open hand on his shoulder, grin wide.


"Sh sh sh, follow my steps, love."

A blush instantly graced your face and you stumbled your thoughts.

You stayed with Ranboo as he slowly went in a square, stepping with his right foot to the right, then back, then to the left, and then forward. He repeated this pattern 4 times, awkward steps sliding and moving together with the random bursts of laughter. After the 3 loops he let go of your waist and twirled you once, before dipping you with a kiss to the lips, and then lifting you back up.

"So you do know how to dance after all?"

"No, HA. I was completely faking the entire time. Did I actually do it right?"

"No idea but it was romantic as fuck." You grinned, kissing him quickly.

"Would've been better with music."

"Heatwaves for sure, yea?"

"Of course, of course."

He leaned in for one more quick kiss to your lips, laughing slightly at your guys' stupid joke.


Eventually your laughter died down and you remembered a question you'd had for a while.

"Hey, Boo?"

"Yes my darling daisy?"

"Wait why daisies?"

"Because they are a symbol of joy and you are my joy." He grinned at you and wrapped your hand into his own.

"Bitch shut the fuck up before I cry."

"I love you too." He laughed, doing a little dance of happiness.

"Ok ok my question. I was wondering if we could make a youtube video together."

"Oh? What did you have in mind?" He wiggled his eyebrows goofily at you before settling with his hand still grasping yours affectionately.

"Well I was thinking we could..."
696 words
sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I've been working with a lot of mental health issues and my dad took me out my my therapy and i'm off of my anxiety meds, so I no longer have that to help and it's been a struggle. I've set myself to the goal of actually working towards being better though rather than be intimidated by the idea that I need to start helping myself instead of kinda just being there lol. Idk if that makes sense but yea. Additionally i've been losing motivation for this story as i've lost my spark for it and I feel like it's poorly written now, and I dunno how to fix that, so for now i'll have to just go with long periods between updates. Sorry for this change, I love you all ❤️

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now