Ch. 20

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"Let's go live."

You both stared at the PC for a moment, unsaid words passing between you as you glanced at each other.

Ranboo leaned in and pulled you into his lap, his arms wrapping tightly around your back and his huge hands settling on the small of your back.

His face settled into the side of your neck, kissing you softly for a moment before relaxing comfortably in a secure embrace.

"Are you sure?" You mutter into his hair, kissing the top of his head.

"Yes. As long as you're comfortable with it. But I think leave face cam off until the end of the stream. And then everyone else can come in and we can announce the meet up." You smile slightly, stroking his coarse hair.

"Ok."  You said softly, kissing his forehead.

"Ugh I love you." his voice was quiet and sweet.

"I love you more."

"That's not possible." You grinned at this.

"You underestimate my abilities."


He tickled you for a moment, quick, playful kisses occasionally coming through his laughter.

You tipped your head back in laughter and crossed your arms over your body in some means of protection.

After a moment he grasped you again and buried his face in your collarbone, muttering softly.

"What the fuck are you saying, Boo?"

"bee sh-... bive." He said again, words mostly incomprehensible.

"We will go live in a minute just give this a second. I wanna just be with you right now."

He nodded at this and sighed, kissing your jaw.

"I'm not kidding though." He muttered again, looking into your eyes and holding your face.

"Hm?" you muttered, eyes drifting across his face.

"About loving you." He said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I love you so much. And i'm sorry if this feels fast since we only started speaking a couple of months ago. But i've liked you for months before then. I just want you to know this won't change... I really, really love you."

You stuck out your bottom lip jokingly, holding him tightly. Your eyes pricked with happy tears and you kissed his nose.

"I love you too, Boo. You're amazing, and attractive, and smart, and funny, and talented. I'm so lucky that you are in my life."

He smiled and pressed his lips to yours, warm kisses and soft nuzzles met in the in-between space between your faces.

As his lips met the spot right below your ear he groaned, annoyed.

"Uuugghhh... we should go live shouldn't we." He pulled away and you frowned.

"Yea probably..."

You stared at each other for another few seconds.

"One more kiss"
After several more quick kisses you both rose from your place on the floor and cuddled into your gaming chair, your smaller body curled up on Ranboo's larger body. As he set up a facecam overlay and everything for the stream you texted the group chat with everyone at the meetup about the announcement stream and that you would text them to come in at the end.

After a moment of sitting in mostly silence (broken with some quick, quiet, laughter), Wilbur and Karl both knocked softly on the door and came in, closing the door.

"Hey, guys! We just wanted to come in and make sure you are doing good." Karl said, smiling and patting you on the head.

You could tell he was struggling not to address the fact you and Ranboo were cuddling on your chair.

You grinned happily when he didn't.

"Yea, we're going good. We're going live in a few minutes. QnA." Ranboo said, smiling.

"Guys I don't want to make it a big deal, but this is rather huge. Are you completely sure, this seems super sudden and I don't want you guys doing something you'll regret." Wilbur asked, mild concern evident on his face.

"We've been talking about it for quite a bit and we're sure."

"Thank god." They both sighed and relaxed, both giving you and Ranboo hugs.

"Oh yea, Y/n," Karl said, "Dream and Quackity and me all set up a mod-team for you. It doesn't have to be the permanent one but it's at least something for now. And since I know your Twitch login they are modded already."

You laughed happily, burying your head in Ranboo's shoulder.

"Holy shit. Thank you... so much. Tell them I say thanks too."
After a moment of banter and whatnot, they left the room to let you both go live, wishing you good luck and giving you happy smiles.

You and Ranboo both looked at each-other for a moment before he made sure everything was set up right and face came was off, his mask and glasses nearby.

He titled the steam, "QnA and Minecraft with my favorite person :)"

and then hit live.

"Hey chat!"
798 words

New chapter later this week <3

today was my brother's 18th birthday. Kind of insane.

He's like the Wilbur to my Tommy and he's likely moving out sometime within the next few years which is pretty sad for me cuz he's basically my best friend.

had therapy today which went ok, lots of emotional stuff about ex-friends and scarring associated to that lol. Otherwise very good day, tell me how yours was in the comments I would genuinely love to hear it.

Love you alll <3

(didn't proofread)

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now