Ch. 8

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You left to go back to your room and got a text from Venus almost immediately after you crossed the threshold. You jumped onto your bed and opened the text, hopeful.

V <33

Mom and dad said I can come over every few nights and hang out whenever I want

they were hesitant bc there is gonna be a bunch of random white men in ur house but they eventually agreed haksjrincjskdiffjf

Read 12:50 PM

You closed your phone and laid on your soft bed, staring at the ceiling. As you lay in your bed, cheeks turning a furious red color as butterflies swarmed your stomach, your mind drifting somewhere other than the meetup, until a certain tall, dirty-blond boy infiltrated your subconscious.

Oh Shit.


(Time skip 2 days- many bench trio calls, nothing too important. Meet up is now in 6 days)

"So what you are telling me- is that you..." Karl giggled. "Y/N, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!"

You blushed, your face buried in your pillow.

"Karl shut the fuck up..." You muttered, embarrassed by your older brother.

"aAawWWWW. Y/n that is- You need to call him, like right now. ASAP. Go. NOW."

"FINE FINE FINE!" You said, running upstairs, immediately hitting the facetime audio on messages and throwing yourself onto your bed.

He picked up on the second ring.

"Hi, Boo." You said, grinning. (Supposed to be a nickname of "Ranboo" not a pet name btw)

"W-what-" He stammers. You could hear the smile creep into his voice, and it makes the butterflies in your stomach turn into a stampede. "Th-That's new..."

"I know." You grinned and pulled a hand down your face. Who the fuck is this bold motherfucker saying this shit?

"o-ok. Uh- anyways, why'd you call me...?"

"I- sorry um. I don't even know I just- You are so... Ranboo, you... I'm sorry I just, I'm sorr-"

"Oh shut up and stop saying sorry. You don't have to have a reason for calling me."

"I'm sorry." You grinned.



You both laughed, your wheezes eventually dying down to silence.

"I really wish we were together right now." Your stomach dropped as the words left his mouth. "I-I mean like...I wish I could be next to you. Laying on the bed next to you. I wish I could see you and... touch your hair. H-hold your hand. See the smile I can always hear."

You burst into tears.

"Crap. Y/n, I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? Y/n."

You hit the button on the bottom of the screen before you could think.

Your eyes were puffy from crying, red as tears continued to stream from your eyes. Your hair was a tangled mess and you felt like you looked pudgy. You covered your face with your hands and slouched into yourself.

"Y/n- Y/n I'm serious are you-" his voice got all quiet. "...ok?" You sat in silence for a moment, still covering your face. When you spoke again your voice was raspy from crying.

"I just figured since... you said...I'm sorry." You glanced through your fingers at the screen.

Your breath was snatched away as you saw his face.

He was so pretty. He had these perfect, defined eyes that were a beautiful shade of grey- shut the fuck up.

You smile, forgetting you had your camera on and lifting your hands away.

"Holy crap, Y/n. You- You are so-" He covers his face, a pink tint flushing his cheekbones.

You grab the camera and hold it closer.

"You're even more- you..." Your voice breaks, "I was just thinking that...since you suggested it. I just-"

"Yes." He said, his breath coming out in a relieved sigh.

You smiled and propped the phone up on your pillow, laying down and settling into your blankets, face buried in the down.

You moved your face up to look at the camera and see him laying the same way as you, fluffy dirty-blond hair settled in a halo around his head. "I wish you were here so bad." Tears stung your eyes.

"Just 6 more days, Y/n. And then I will be. And we won't have to use the phone."

You sighed, nodding as sleepiness took over.

"Goodnight, Boo."

"Goodnight, Y/n."


693 words


awh. sweet fluffy chapter. I love nighttime facetime calls. like so much-

LYYY <33333

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now