Ch. 19

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After you and Ranboo talked a bit more about your early months of streaming, full of banter and giggles, Ranboo coaxed you into going downstairs, promising to hold your hand and never let go, as well as give you secret kisses (which in the end is what made you agree to go).

He swung you up into his arm, making a few giggles escape from you both, and kissed you on the nose. He opened the door and walked down the stairs with you in his arms, gently placing you back on the hardwood once you reached the bottom.

He took a moment to grab your hand and give you a reassuring squeeze, giving a small smile and a nod for confirmation.

You closed your eyes, and took a deep breath.

And nodded.

And took a step forward.


The loud noise caused you to jump backwards into Ranboo's arms, a scream going past your lips.

"JAYSUS FOOK." (guys this is what I say when I get startled 😎) You immediately started laughing at your odd reaction, the others joining in.

"Happy Borfday, Y/n!" Tommy said, fake punching you and doing his terrifying 'hUHhUH" laugh, making you snort in laughter.

V hugged you and whispered an old inside joke into your ear, making you both laugh.

Holy shit.

"Thank you guys." You started tearing up, "so much."

They engulfed you in a group hug, letting out sarcastic quips and laughing manically.

After a moment they sat you down on the couch where there was a pile of presents waiting for you.

"I cannot believe you guys." You shook your head and laughed. "You're insane."

(not including present opening because it'll take 400 years, so brief time skip. Just know Ranboo got you an enderman plush and a necklace with "R" on it, as well as a spare Ranboo Locket)
You sat with everyone around you, a pile of wrapping paper across from you along with a pile of presents.

Staring at it all you felt an overwhelming amount of love and joy, grinning with all your teeth, your eyes squinty.

"I love you guys." You said, nervous laughter breaking the silence the words held.

They all smiled at you for a moment.

"Awww that's nice." Bill said, "I'm leaving."

"He legitimately just left, didn't he?"

"Yea... yea he did."

Laughter was the only thing you could hear.

And it was amazing.

Until it wasn't.

Ranboo had pulled out his phone after a few minutes of chatting, scrolling for a moment, until his face fell.

He immediately raced out of the room, but it was not unnoticed by you.

You caught up with him by the time he reached your stream room, and saw him sitting on the floor, his head in his hands and his shoulders shaking.

"Hey, bub? Are you ok?" You asked softly, resting your hand on this knee.

"Y/n... I hit- I hit 5mil." he looked up breifly, his eyes teary.

"Hey wait- what's bad about that?"

He sighed.

"In theory, nothing. But- Y/n I promised to face reveal at 5mil." You nod, remembering.

"Hey, it's ok, Boo." You pass a careful hand through his tangled hair and rub circles into his back. "If you aren't ready the fans will understand."

"I-I want to do it now but... i'm just so scared."

You considered the other option.

"How about- we can do it together. Let's just- let's have a chaotic face-reveal and announcement stream. Everyone can come in at the end and it'll be fun. Maybe a you laugh you lose?"

He looked up and you and smiled.

"Are you sure?"

You nodded and gave him a quick peck on the lips.


But your mind couldn't help but imagine the endless hate that you would receive.

You brushed it away.

They are random people. I don't care what they say. Their opinion about me is irrelevant. I do not need their validation.

It helped a surprising amount.

You and Ranboo eyed the setup in front of you warily.

"Let's go live."

641 words
I'm back from the dead my children. Sorry for the lack of chapters recently, I had a huge debate tournament that took a lot of time and energy and I was always either too tired or too busy to write :/

(no proofread bc i'm lazy)

promise the schedule will be back to normal soon <3


(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now