Ch. 16

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A/N: back to your POV <3


The door opened and before you could process it you were embracing each other, arms wrapped tight around one another in an attempt to hold the emotions in.

Ranboo released you partially for a moment, his hands lingering on the small of your back as he hurried you into the room before someone could see you guys. He shut the door and engulfed you into the hug again, lifting you up so your legs were around his waist, arms around his neck, and your head nestled into the side of his neck.

He sat down on your bed, still holding you, and wrapped a blanket around you both, the soft fabric loosening your inner conflict and causing the tears to pour forth, loud, ugly sobs shaking your entire body.

"Shh, sh, sh...You're ok, Y/n/n. It's ok, I'm here." His voice was soft but choked, holding back his own tears.

"Just cry, Boo. Please, don't hold it back because I'm here." You stroked his hair as tears streamed down your face. He started shaking too, his sobs quiet but still present.

You comforted each other, rubbing circles into each other's backs and petting each other's hair until you were both calmer.

You nuzzled your nose into his jaw, scratchy stubble tickling your nose and making you giggle through the tears.

You pulled away slightly, cupping his jaw in your palm and stroking his jawline slightly with your thumb.

You both took turns glancing at each other's lips, smiling slightly, and blinking sleepily through the tears.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, glancing at your mouth, his lips parted.

You muttered a quiet response, grinning.

"Is that consent?" He smiles widely, holding you tighter to him.

You nodded harshly, nervous and eager all at once.

You both leaned in, lips touching softly for a few short moments, and then again with more pressure, an explosion of emotions.




"Love." You muttered, grinning, your eyes still closed.

"You're so adorable," Ranboo muttered, his voice suppressing a giant smile. You peeled your eyes open and smiled again at his giant grin, his eyes all squinty.

You held his face in your hands and kissed him passionately again, and the sparking emotions were there again. You kissed him quickly again. and again. and again. Just to be sure.

"Yup." You say, kissing him another time just for good measure. "Definitely like you. A LOT." You mutter. "Who knows, I may even love you." You pressed the tip of your nose to his and run your fingers through his coarse hair.

"I love you too, Y/n." A giggle bursts through you both and you collapsed backward, cuddling in a cozy pile of limbs and kisses.


455 words


short chapter but I wanted to provide you all with something at least.

Don't be a ghost reader, I love when people comment <3

Love you all, there may or may not be more chapters this weekend, my mom got a big surgery and I've been having to do a lot around the house, plus life is shitty sometimes, and right now is one of those times for me. <3<3<3

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now