Ch. 21

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"Hey chat!" You said, smiling though the face cam was off.

For now, you thought to yourself, slightly scared for what was to happen at the end of the stream.

You waited a moment on your "starting soon" screen for more viewers to filter in, and then settled cozily back into the seat with Ranboo.

One you had roughly your average amount of viewers present you started.

"Alright chat, today I'm with the widely known oreo boy, and we're going to be building a minecraft house together and answering some QnA questions." You glanced over at Ranboo halfway through your sentence and smiled, causing some laughter. "Oh yea, and I don't have another PC set up right now for Boo, so were just playing as my character, chat."

You were scared, terrified even for the hate you knew you would receive and already were (though the mods did a good job), but Ranboo right next to you made it a lot easier.

"One second guys, sorry-"

Ranboo muted the mic and smiled at you, softly kissing you encouragingly.

You grinned, and unmuted.
The stream was going super well, chat not being too bad and the mods doing a good job of filtering everything.

So far there had been only a few questions, not very deep or invasive, mostly asking favorite colors and such.


spoopy_301 Donated $5
"are you guys dating?"

Ranboo immediately started laughing, while you spewed the water you were drinking all over the floor.

Otherwise you both didn't acknowledge the question and pretended to be preoccupied with your Minecraft house.
The stream had just about hit the 1.5 hours mark, when you and Ranboo both glanced at eachother, both understanding the hidden messages.

He pulled you closer on the chair, arms around your waist, and muted the mic.

"Bee..." Ranboo muttered, nose buried deep in your hoodie, "We're about to do it, aren't we?"

You just nodded, smiling very slightly, but terrified in your head.

They're going to hate me more than they do.

I'm ugly.

They'll be disgusted by me.

You looked into Ranboo's eyes, a smile hid the fear.

He kissed you softly for a moment before holding you for several minutes, his face gone in the fabric of your sweatshirt.

"Let's do this."

379 words
sorry it's so short but Im tired and it's almost 2 AM and I have to wake up in a few hours for a STUPID BIRTHDAY PARTY. Just joking it's my little cousins bday and idc that much.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately i've been super exausted and dealing with a lot of random life stuff that's very draining.

Promise it'll be normal soon <3

(didn't proofread)
My entire heart goes out to everyone in the crossfire of Russia's attack on Ukraine. As someone who has never been through anything like that, I cannot imagine what you are going through, and I am fortunate in that I don't
have to deal with all that is going on, while others are not as fortunate. I am not scared for myself because I am not dealing with anything as awful and likely will not be ever in my life, I am terrified for everyone in Ukraine who has to go through this. It is horrific and I hope that anyone there can find safety and refuge. I love you all and I hope you are safe ❤️❤️❤️

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now