Ch. 13

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A/N: slight time skip, you have been streaming for many, MANY hours, it is now 9 AM the next day (people are getting here verryyy sooonnn......


You hopped onto the server you had with Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo and poked around, looking at what was new. You built a bit more onto your mushroom cottage, talking with chat and singing a bit to the music you had playing, the stream had been going a lot better than other streams had been going considering people had chilled out and there were less awful people watching. 

And then chat started spamming "RANBOO". 

You panicked and searched for him in chat, finding a short message. 


omw <3

You sat in silence for a minute, contemplating what it meant.



You panicked and didn't know whether to laugh or projectile vomit. 

"Alright chat, sorry for the abrupt end but I'm going to get off now, Karl's making me go eat." You completely lied, but signed off immediately and texted Wilbur. 


have fun on stream

I'm freaking out he said he's on his way

Good thing I got here before him :)

You looked up from your phone and saw a crowd of certain Europeans burst through your door. 

"AYEEEE!" Tommy and Bill yelled as everyone else ran and hugged you. You sobbed into Mumza's shirt, grinning from happiness. 

"I just realized this is my face reveal to you all." You said, happy tears soaking your face. 

"I will not lie, my expectations for your attractiveness were many octaves lower." Bill said as he smiled at you, his dark hair in his eyes.

"Oh shut the fuck up, Bill." Everyone said together before bursting into laughter. 

"Seriously though, Y/n. You are genuinely stunning." 

You smiled awkwardly, insides warming with happiness. 

Karl popped his head into the room, smiling at the group of people laughing and smiling. 

"Hey, American's almost here!" You laughed loudly, mostly out of nervousness. 

Ranboo will be here by 11 tonight. Deep breaths. 

It would be fine, you had to reassure yourself, nervous energy making your hands shake. 

Wilbur of course noticed and nodded his head at you, making sure you were ok. You nodded back, taking a deep breath. He smiled slightly in relief, patting you on the head. 

You all bantered and messed around. Mumza and Phil decided to make lunch for everyone while Freddie, Tommy, Aimsey, and Bill played Mario Kart on the switch, while you, Karl, Minx, Niki, and Wilbur played Twister. Of course Wilbur won as he was the tallest, with Karl getting out first after giving up immediatley. 

When lunch was ready (sandwiches of your choice) you all crowded into the kitchen, the small-ish room being cramped with only half of the people having arrived. 

You loved it anyways. 


464 words


More chapters this coming week >:D 

didnt proofread because its late LMAO

You are so gorgeous <3

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