Ch. 6

247 10 19

TW: Mention of eating disorder


"There's a meetup happening soon, isn't there?"

Your voice rang out over the call and was met with open air.

"I just- I heard Karl talking about a meetup with a bunch of people happening soon yesterday morning, so I don't kno-"

"There is. I'm just confused why... I'm just confused why you don't know yet because it's happening at your and Karl's house?" You hear those final words and everything comes to a stop. "Especially since it's happening like next week." You let your eyes go wide, your mouth hanging open out of shock. Your mind was empty for what felt like the first time in forever, but you couldn't breathe.

"Holy shit." You gasp for air, standing from your chair and beginning to pace back and forth. "Holy shit!" You could hear Ranboo laughing hesitantly.

"Do you mean that in a good way, or a bad way?" He asks, his voice quiet.

"I- I don't even know, Ranboo. Holy shit. What the fuck." you sat back down, twisting your hands nervously.

"Y/n, maybe talk to Karl about it? It's happening in like, 8 days? On the 18th I'm pretty sure."

The dawning realization hits you like a brick.


"W-wait, what!?" His voice is much louder now. "KARL DEFINITELY DIDN'T TELL ANYONE THAT."

"shit- Ranboo it was probably supposed to be a surprise meetup for me since it's my birthday. UGH. Ranboo I- I'm not ready for all these people I hardly know to meet me, much less to see my face." You covered your mouth with your hands at the idea. You didn't even like looking at yourself in the mirror, but now you were supposed to meet all these people who you look up to and be expected to show them yourself?

"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok, Y/n. I get what you mean. When I went to the UK I was terrified. Terrified to meet people and for them to know what I look like. I... wish you didn't have to share those feelings." You're silent as you take this in.

"I'm sorry, Ranboo. I never realized- I just thought you were super excited and happy to meet all those people and share that part of you with all those people." A sob broke through, "I'm so sorry."

"Well I was a bit, but I was still scared- and wait... you watch my streams?"

"And your YouTube videos, and your TikToks, and I've been following you on Twitter and Instagram for months." You sat, your face getting redder as you shrank into yourself with embarrassment. "Yknow, I don't really wanna say this, but since we're being honest... I have... drawings... of you in... my room...I- um...I do fanart, like a lot."

"That- that is so awesome." You can hear the smile that's evidently plastered onto his face, which makes you sit up slightly straighter, smiling slightly. "I- I can't wait to see them." You fall out of your chair.


As you both laughed loudly you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in!" You say, grinning and still laughing with Ranboo as a song plays through your speaker system.

"Hey! I was just wondering if you wanna come down to eat something soon? I didn't see you come down for breakfast." Karl looks hopeful, his grey eyes bright. You move to mute your mic but don't here the click that means you successfully muted.

"Yea um... I'm not that hungry right now. I ate a lot last night so I'm still pretty full." You know he doesn't buy it, but you also know he won't push you to do it.

"Ok... just- please, y/n, get something to eat." You nod, but you both know that wasn't gonna happen.

You go back to the call, moving to unmute your mic and finding it already unmuted. Weird.

"Hey, Ranboo, I'm back, sorry Karl needed something."

"Y/n, you need food." He said, voice quiet and slightly broken.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-

"Y/n? Answer me. Please?"

"I'm sorry I have to go, Karl wants me downstairs I- I'm sorry...I'll talk to you later." You hang up before he can respond.



707 words



anyways I may have another chapter out today, if not I'll say so -Bee

You are so pretty/handsome <333

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now