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You woke the next morning and your heart immediately sank. Ranboo was nowhere to be seen, only a ghost of an imprint on the covers beside you. You were surprised to find your hair wasn't a tangled mess, not remembering Ranboo's hands combing through the locks the night before.

You sat up and saw Niki, Puffy, and Minx asleep on your floor. You came to the conclusion that Aimsey was already awake and had gone downstairs.

Because you weren't quite comfortable around the other girls yet, you decided to go downstairs and see who else was awake, silently praying that Ranboo wouldn't be awake yet, and yet hoping he would be at the same time.

You threw on a baggy black hoodie over your way-too-big-and-possibly-stolen-from-Karl-t-shirt and went downstairs, bare feet tromping on the carpeted stairs.

You heard loud laughter before making it all the way down the hallway, Dream's signature wheeze ricocheted off the walls.

You walked around the corner, rubbing the remnants of sleep from your eyes and examining the scene unfolding before you.

Dream and George both were leaning up against the counter, laughing at Quackity who was acting out some random interpretive dance in the middle of the living room, as Karl and Bad beatboxed and Sapnap laid down some lyrics. They in no way matched up with each other.

As you glanced around the room you noticed Techno and Wilbur in the kitchen cooking, attempting to make a giant batch of scrambled eggs and bacon for those who were awake. Mumza and Phil were cuddled up on the couch under a blanket, half-asleep. Freddie and Aimsey were scrolling on their phones, Freddie's hair was messy and his cow stuffed animal was under his chin in a comforting grasp. Aimsey looked neat as always, the only difference being pajama bottoms instead of jeans.

After some consideration you decided to sit on a stool at the island in the kitchen, resting your head in your hands. A small smile curled your lips upwards as you watched Wilbur somehow cooking like he was a professional chef, while Techno stared on in surprise.

"What the shit, Wil..." You laughed quietly as he smiled at you, pouring the eggs into a heated pan.

"I don't actually have any idea what I'm doing, I'm just pretending I do." You laughed, shoulders shaking slightly.

You sat watching for another few minutes until Tommy quite literally stumbled down the stairs, his curly blonde hair a mess. He sat down beside you and collapsed onto the counter, groaning.

"I'm so tiiiiiiiiired, Y/nnnnn" You grinned and slapped the back of his head.

"Then why did you get out of bed, dumbass?"

"Because Ranboo is too loonnnggg and he kept rolling over and kicking me."

Your heart leaped.

Oh yea.


The morning was going fairly well, everyone bantering and laughing as people filtered downstairs to eat until there was one person left to come downstairs. Ranboo.

The panic swelled farther and farther until you felt sick, and bolted.

You stumbled through the hallway, mind a blur of incomprehensible garbage, your hands compulsively shoving a 6'6", blonde-haired somebody as you started running faster, tears streaming down your face. You bolted into your room and shut the door.


A/N: POV switch to Ranboo~


I walked downstairs, immediately being shoved to the side by Y/n as they bolted up the stairs.

Wilbur and Niki had slightly followed them, worried looks cemented onto their faces.

"Ranboo... just-please go talk to them. I think they'll only listen to you anymore." Niki said, sounding sad. Wilbur furrowed his brow and pinched the crease in between.

I nodded, panicked suddenly.

"Ok. Yea, Ok. I'll go."

I rush back up the stairs, hearing their sobs behind the door.

I knock softly a few times, and when there is no reaction, harder.

"Who is it?" I hear them say, voice choked.

I cleared my throat.

"It's me. I just wanted to talk and make sure you're ok."

"Go... please." I winced.

"Ok but... first I'd just like to tell you..." I leaned against the door, hand splayed against the cool wood. "I'm so... so sorry. I messed up big time. I shouldn't have left you hanging like that and I-"

The door opens and before I can process it we're embracing each other, their arms wrapped around my torso and mine around their shoulders, tight as a few stray tears drop from my eyes.


736 words


HAHA the fluffy romance is going to be happening a lot soon because we are NOT taking this slow, this is NOT a slowburn. Have fun.

You are doing better than you think, keep going <3

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now