Ch. 26

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You registered nothing but Ranboo as he trembled and curled into a ball.

I need to help. I need to stay together so I can help. I need to pretend i'm fine.

You swallowed the tears, your hands shaking as you made your way over to him, fingers finding their way to his back as he shook. You stroked slow circles on his back and murmured soothing words, trying to calm him.

The door opened and Aimsey came in.

She took one glance at your tear-stained face and rushed forward to your hunched figure over Ranboo.

"Aims.... Aims help." Your words were choked as you fell forward to Ranboo, curling up in his arms.

"Boo. Boo listen." You waited for a moment for his breathing to calm. "It's ok. It's actually ok. I promise it's ok, it doesn't matter that much."

"But you weren't ready... they know now and you weren't ready..."

His face was contorted in sobs.

"Bubs... genuinely. Calm down, it's ok. Hey, hey, sit up and look at me."

He scrambled for a moment to get up, Aimsey helping him and then sitting on the chair.

He looked you in the eyes, his own filled with tears as he choked back sobs.

Your hand flitted to his jaw and cupped the side of his face, your thumb stroking gently on his cheekbone.

You placed a small kiss on the corner of his mouth and buried your face in his collar, one hand winding it's way around his waist and the other sliding into his hair, pulling him gently down to hug you.

"I love you. I love you and it's ok. Calm down. We can figure this out."

He breathed slow, shaky breaths as you held him.

Aimsey sat silently to the side, watching.

"I love you." he muttered.

"I love you too, Boo." You glanced at Aimsey and he gave a questioning look. You nodded back. "Hey guess what...?" You muttered into his neck.


"It's ok. We will figure out how to deal with it." You smiled slightly. "We can post something about it and they'll let it go eventually, ok?"

He nodded, the tears subsiding.

"I'm sorry." He said, pulling away to look you in your puffy, red eyes.

"It's not your fault." You pushed his hair behind his ear. "We both should've realized, and maybe should've just not kissed on stream in the first place."

He nodded, looking down.

"But hey, at least now we can kiss as publicly as we want!" You laughed, tugging his hand affectionately.

"I will not lie... you guys are perfect together." Aimsey bantered from the other side of the room.

You beamed at them and then looked back at Ranboo.

"See? It's ok."

He nodded and smiled slightly.

"At least it's over with... no anxious conversations about how to tell everyone." He kissed you lightly on the cheek and tousled your hair.

487 words
no proofread
yayyy a new chapter! Just for an update, debate season is over so now i'm all relaxed... UNTIL MONDAY! I'm leaving on a week-long school trip that lasts from the 1-8th of May, where I will not be allowed to have my phone. This week will be full of packing and preparing, but as soon as all this chaos is over I will be completely done and will have all the time in the world to write <3


(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now