Ch. 2

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i forgot to mention this at the beginning- y/n's username on all platforms is Honey_Bee71803 for future reference, i don't give a fuck if you like it or not it's what i chose because it makes it easier to write. You're welcome.

*edit* I just realized y/n's user is very close to mine- IGNORE THAT BHAHAH


As everyone laughed from your first interaction with Tommy, you all settled down and Karl decided to introduce you to everyone else in the stream and to the chat.


Everyone was silent for a moment, except for Karl who does his signature giggle before you interrupted

"Im Karl's siblings, bitches. Bow down to me." You heard more bursts of laughter, and then Wilbur's voice right on his mic.

"What the fuck." He said, fear in his voice.

"I'm Karl's sibling." You said, also moving your mic next to your  face the same way Wilbur had done.

You were immediately met with a stream of questions and random noises. You quickly glance at chat, but it was moving too fast for you to read anything before it gets swept away in the constant current.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ONE QUESTION AT A TIME." You yelled through the microphone, and were met with an immediate response.

"Pronouns?" You heard a semi-deep voice say. You immediately recognize it as Ranboo, your absolute favorite human being on the face of the planet. This is so fucking crazy. IM TALKING TO MY COMFORT STREAMER, you thought to yourself.

"*enter whatever pronouns you want to use for this*" You said, slightly choking on your own voice out of nervousness.

"Coolio." He said, and before he'd even finished his sentence Tommy interrupted.

"How old are you Karl's Sibling."

"You can call me Honey_Bee or Bee I don't really care, and I'm turning 18 in 2 months." He didn't respond, but you know he most likely muted his mic and screamed about how yet another person is older than him.

"So wait, Bee, you're a streamer?" You hear Quackity ask, a slight sarcastic lilt to his voice.

"Bitch. You are literally one of the 4 people in this call that know I'm a streamer. Shut the fuck up."

"YO YO, chillll man... just wanted to get it out there for the viewers..." You rolled your eyes even though no one could see.

"I'm literally live, dumbass, and Karl put my username in the title of the stream."

That reminded you to interact with your chat, so you deafened on discord for a moment.

"Sorry this is so hectic, chat. Several people in the call are on deafen and you guys are REALLY glitching out the stream- dono's are completely broken so sorry, I probably won't be reading any chat messages and dono's today."

You glanced at the viewer count and saw that it'd gone back down a little bit since the last time you looked, but it was still much higher than usual.

Just as you undeafened you saw a sub donation notification pop up on your starting soon screen.

RanbooLive Donated 10 subs
hi :) add me on discord, I dm'ed it to you on twitter.

Well he found my Twitter fast- you thought to yourself.

"fiiiinee, Ranboob." You groaned out as you look at your friend requests on Discord and see that Ranboo, Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo had all requested to message you.

You accepted the friend requests and laughed silently to yourself, your shoulders shaking with unheard laughter. This is insane. All of my comfort streamers have now added me on Discord. Fucking hell, i'm in a call with them!

You had expected to meet The Feral Boys when Karl had first mentioned talking to them, but you had never expected to be talking to the YouTubers/Streamers that you were talking to in that moment; the people who you'd looked up too since the first time you started watching them, before the Dream SMP had even existed and popularized them all even more. It was absolutely insane.

Eventually everyone else in the call undeafened and they got to playing Jackbox, which was absolutely scuffed and the entire stream was a confusing mess. The only reason you weren't completely dissatisfied with the stream when you hit the end stream button was because you had had so much fun, and earned a lot of money in the process.

You didn't want to use your brother for clout, but was this the same? Karl had done it on his own accord mostly and sure, a lot of other people's viewers went to your stream to get a better understanding of what was going on (which they didn't) and figure out if this mystery sibling was actually related to their beloved streamer; Karl Jacobs, (spoiler- they are)

Little did you know, just how much more complicated it would be.

756 words

WHOOO! TWO CHAPTERS. I'm thinking more recently that I'm not going to have an upload schedule, and rather i'm just going to take my time with every chapter and release chapters/write chapters when i feel like it.

You are doing so well even if you can't see it <3

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now