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HULLO. This is an extra thing for those who want to do it.

If you would like to MAKE A COVER FOR THIS FANFIC, feel free to make one, and then DM me ON WATTPAD, and I will give you my discord so you can send it to me there, my favorite one I will pick for the cover.

The cover must include:

My username, the title of the fic (Dear Sweetheart,) and a Ranboo x Reader subtitle somewhere on it. Otherwise it's all up to you!!!

I will fully credit whoever's i use, and I will put ALL OF THE ENTRIES in the fic, choosing my favorite for the actual cover.

Please please do this if no one does it i will cry.  I want to see what people come up with. <3

(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now