
226 4 49

TW for this chapter: eating disorder and purging


You were all resting In the living room after eating, and you started feeling the guilt set in. 

I shouldn't have eaten that much....

that was so much food...

WHY did I eat that much...

You sat up abruptly and left the room, your face pale and sickly and your hands clenched into fists. The few that noticed didn't object, and instead simply gave you a funny look. 

You made your way to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it behind you. 

You avoided your own judgemental eyes in the mirror as you knelt over the toilet and gagged yourself, willing the food to come back up. 

You choked slightly on your own saliva as you jammed your fingers into the back of your throat.


and over,

and over again.

Until it came back up, and you flushed the toilet, your shoulders shaking as you left the room. 


You felt too guilty to go downstairs and face everyone, so you shut yourself in your room, eyes starting to brim with tears as your lip quivered with unshed emotions. 

It was only 3 PM but you crawled under the covers and curled into a ball, the cool, down blanket drawn up to your ears. 

You filled your mind with thoughts of things you loved instead. 

Karl, Venus, mom, and dad, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo. Ranboo. Ranboo. Ranboo...

You were able to shove the tears down far enough that the liquid in your eyes went away, but it made the feeling in your stomach worse. 

I wish he was here now... and then maybe we could curl up under this blanket together, our legs a tangle and our arms wrapped around each other, my head on his chest...

No. No more of those thoughts. 

As you shoved the feelings deeper, you fell asleep, mind quieting and eyebrows relaxing until there was no worried crease. 


quick POV switch to Wilbur~


I walked upstairs to see what was wrong with Y/n and peeked a head into their room, seeing them curled up in their bed. 

I walked over as quietly as possible and noticed they were asleep, their adorable soft face relaxed for once. 

"I'm so proud of you, Y/n." I whispered, tucking their hair behind their ear. 

I left the room quietly and shut the door, walking downstairs and back into the living room. 

"Hey is Y/n ok?" Karl asked me, a worried look on his face. 

"Yea. They're asleep upstairs, we should leave them be." I shot daggers at Bill and Tom, knowing the history of their antics. 


POV is back to yours, time skip to 11:00 PM, everyone has arrived you are just dead asleep :D


Your eyes flitted behind closed eyelids as you began to wake up, dreams being chased away by the steady breathing of others in the room. 

You sat up slowly, blinking the sleep away as you glanced around the dimly lit room to see sleeping figures on the floor. You were too tired to recognize who it was, and frankly didn't care enough to figure it out, so you laid back down and tried to fall back asleep.

As you were laying for another 15 minutes or so you saw a beam of light filter in from the hallway as the door creaked. You kept your eyes shut, worry building as you heard the door shut again, the light going away. You listened as soft footsteps approached and then the bed sagged beside you with another person's weight. 

They smelled sweet and minty at the same time, like wintergreen and snicker-doodle cookies. (not necessarily the best mix, but hey, its not mainstream :D)

And then someone spoke from the doorway, the voice registering in your brain as Karl's. 

"Ranboo, you can't just watch them sleep all night." His voice was quiet and soft, sympathetic in a way you'd never heard your brother's voice. You didn't seem to realize at the time that Ranboo was sitting beside you, a mere foot away, or else you would have been panicking a lot more. 

"Karl, I am terrified. I'm so scared." His voice was choked, his words quiet. "I messed up. What if they hate me?" You heard Karl scoff from the opposite wall.

"Hate you? Ranboo, you and Y/n have known each other for a few weeks, but you make them so happy, happier than I've ever seen them." Now it was Ranboo's turn to scoff. "I'm serious. One mess up from you is NOT going to change that. Just try giving them some space, and then talk to them. Work it out." 

You felt a large, soft hand tug through your hair softly, pleasure running through your scalp. You were barely awake, too sleepy to really feel anything. You heard Karl leave the room and walk away down the hallway, the hand continuing to tug through your hair. 

The hand stopped for a moment and you muttered, lifting your hand up to push his back onto your head. 

"Don't stop, please..." You exhaled quickly, becoming overly aware of his hand on yours, your fingers grasped in his own. "Don't go..." you felt your eyelids start to fall and barely heard his quiet words. 

"I'll always stay."


847 words


Have fun waiting for the new chapter >:D

Didn't proofread like always 


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