Ch. 12

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"Ranboo, I like you."

The call was silent, but you screamed internally.


The silence dragged on, and you could feel tears prick at your eyes, all hell about to break loose.

You hung up and immediately called Wilbur.


"Wilbur I fucked up." He immediately softened, his tone quiet.

"Hey, it's ok. It's ok. What happened?"

"I didn't think and I told Ranboo- a-and he..." You sobbed and heard Wilbur's keyboard tapping urgently, his voice now gone.

Karl suddenly burst into your room, his eyes sympathetic as he sat down beside you and immediately engulfed you in a hug.

"What the fuck did he do?" You heard Wilbur ask, his voice hard.

"No-no he didn't do anything bad, he just-" You sob again, shoulders shaking as Karl attempted to keep you steady.

"Y/n," Karl said softly, "What did he say?"

"Karl he didn't say anything." You slapped a palm over your face in embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Wilbur sounded exhasberated, "He was just completely silent?!"

"Yes! He didn't say anything! For like 10 minutes!" You sobbed. "I messed up. I scared him off, didn't I?"

"Y/n, you might've scared him, but you definitely didn't scare him off." Karl smiled slightly at you before hugging you again. "Don't worry."

"How about you try talking to him? It might help?" Wilbur said, voice steady.

"Aw, hell naw. There is no way I could do that." You immediately shut out the idea, and curled into a ball like a beetle, lip quivering.

"That's ok, Y/n. Talk to him when you are ready again."

"Ok... I'm so scared. I think I just made our situation worse."

"What do you mean?" Karl asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"I'm so nervous for tomorrow. Everyone's going to get here, and he is going to be here, and... UGH." You pulled the ends of your hair in frustration.

"Hey. Wait, I have an idea." Karl smiled and looked at you, standing up in the superman pose. "How about we tidy up and get the rooms ready? As a distraction?" He knew that cleaning was the biggest distraction for you.

You nodded, grateful for some way to get your mind off of everything.


A/N: Time skip several hours (about 4)

You and Karl had tidied all the rooms and "deep" cleaned everything, singing and dancing to overly loud music that shook the house and laughing about who knows what.

You had all the rooms set up by now, each one having either a small sleeping pad or an air mattress, with tons of blankets and pillows for everyone. After cleaning and mostly setting up all the way you and Karl decided to run to Target and a toy store to buy some additional goods and some more food and snacks for the next upcoming days. (not sure what I said before but the meetup is 1 month for all the brits and 1.5 months for the american's, they are just buying snacks and goods for everyone for the next few days). You ended up buying a plethora of snacks and candy, and a stuffed animal for everyone coming, which you later placed on everyone's beds.

A quick description of what stuffies y/n and Karl got for everyone:

Tommy: A grey racoon

Tubbo: Minecraft bee plushie

Ranboo: (specially picked out by you) a black and white rabbit

Freddie: A pink cow

Bill: a black pug

Aimsey: a red and yellow cat

Techno: a pink pig

Phil: a dark purple raven

Mumza: a dark blue raven

Wilbur: a blue sheep

Minx: a black cat

Puffy: a rainbow ram

Niki: a red fox

Dream: a golden retreiver

George: a light blue and red cow

sapnap: a tabby cat

Quackity: a blue duck

Bbh: a black goat

skeppy: a light blue monkey

After you went shopping you headed back to the house and got the last of everything set up, and then ate some food and played Mario Kart until around 10, when you decided to stream.


640 words


sorry for the abrupt ending that's rushed but I'm exhausted and need to sleep as I have a doctor's appointment right before school tomorrow. I'll hopefully make another chapter tomorrow, and there should be a new cover and title ASAP.


(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now