Ch. 25

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You both were slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of Quackity, but found yourselves caring less than you imagined you would.

Ranboo dragged you into a hug, hand sliding up and down your back comfortingly.

"Most of them know." You muttered into Ranboo's chest. "And all of them are suspecting it."

"Well maybe except for Tommy. He's oblivious to everything." Ranboo responded, making you crack-up.

"I still don't want to tell them yet. I'm not ready."

"That's ok, darling. I understand, it's ok." His voice was soft as his hand continued to caress your back.

"Please, never call me anything but that ever again." You said, holding him tighter.


"You know what, dumbass, and if you ever call me anything else ever again I will immediately fall out of love with you." You said jokingly, pulling away to kiss his jaw, your hand cupping his face gently.

"Your in love with me?" His smile was adorable, the corners of his mouth nearly touching your hand on his cheek.

"Oh don't pretend like you didn't know that already, bitch."

"Oh now, don't get aggressive!" He laughed, pushing you away lightheartedly.

"Nooo I want cuddles..." you cried out, reaching towards him.

He obliged, smiling as he hugged you tightly and spun you around a bit, his hair still tousled with sleep.

"Let's stream."
About 10 minutes later you had Ranboo's stream set up and hit the 'go live' button.

You played a song for his starting soon screen as the viewers started filing in.

"Good pick, Darling." He said as he heard the song start in his headphones, and he wrapped an arm around your waist so he could pull you into a quick kiss.

"We're muted, right." You whispered, suddenly scared.

He just nodded before smiling.

"Are we feeling the facecam?" He asked, and you nodded, remembering suddenly you both had face revealed only a couple of days ago.

After a few more minutes of rushing around to make sure you both had everything, you ended the starting soon.

You both stared into the camera for a moment, faces blank, before laughing loudly, collapsing onto each other as you cackled.

"ANYWAYS. Hello chat. We're here. doing a QnA and maybe minecraft."

You looked at Ranboo.

"No." He looked scared as you glared at him. "We are playing minecraft."

"Ok- jesus, Y/n."

You glared harder, muting the mic.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU, BOO?" You said, pointing at him accusingly.

"BRO WE ARE LIVE. I CAN'T CALL YOU PET NAMES ON STREAM DUMMY!" He said, over-gesturing as he explained at a scarily fast pace.

"Nope. No. Illegal. I told you. I'm no longer in love with you." You crossed your arms and turned away.

"Noooo... darling come backkk..." When you just sniffed hautily he bumped it up a notch. "I'll give you a kiss..."

You smiled and turned around, facing him again.

"Say that again?"

"How 'bout I show you?"

"I mean, i'd be cool with that..." You muttered, laughing slightly as you glanced down at his lips.

Everything else was melting away.


Including the livestream mere feet away.

He leaned in, his hand drifting up to tilt your jaw into alignment with his own, before leaning down to kiss you softly.

Your phone exploded with notifications.

You jumped away, startled, and picked up your phone.

5 people were spamming you at once, frantic messages coming through from V, Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil, and Aimsey.







You looked at Ranboo in horror, both of your faces going pale with the dawning realization.

In a frantic click of buttons he ended the stream, covering his face with his hands.

"This is so bad." He muttered, voice choked. "It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He was hyperventilating, and you tried to manage your own panic as you scrambled over to him, hugging him tightly.

"It's ok. It's ok. It's ok, Ranboo. It's ok."

But your own shakey voice gave you away.

"I'm sorry..." He was crying, his breathing rapid and as he cringed away from you.

It felt like a stab to the heart.

You fell away from him, shaking hand going over your mouth in shocked disbelief.

He's never been like this before.

It scared you.

Before you could think you were sending a text out to the entire group chat.

Shrek Simps <3333

R needs help
he wont let me help

You closed your phone and set it aside, whispering to Ranboo.

"It's ok. I promise, it's ok. I love you. We will get through this together." The panic was consuming you. Panic for Ranboo, for yourself. "I love you."
784 words
Hello!!! Very glad to be publishing this chapter! I hope you all enjoy it, it was very fun to write.

again, no proofread I want to just watch Newsies and relax before bed 😩✨


(DISCONTINUED) Dear Sweetheart, [Ranboo x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now