Chapter 15: It's A Surprise

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Chapter 15: It's A Surprise

Riley has been staying in Jay's condo for seven days now. She's thankful that he didn't do anything to her to make her feel uncomfortable. And in those seven days, she admitted that Jay and her are slowly becoming close to each other.

He buys her new clothes, not just normal clothes but expensive ones. She tried to insist not to do that but he's so persistent. Then he feeds her and treats her like a princess especially when he's taking care of her when she just got out of the hospital.

But when they're going out, Jay has been careful not for him but for her. She feels that they're like celebrities who tried to avoid people or paparazzis. He didn't let her go out of his condo when she didn't wear a cap, jacket and face mask.

It's confusing the hell out of her but she didn't complain or ask. She didn't want to ruin the atmosphere. And the slow processing of closeness between them.

Jay on the other hand, had to hold his patience and for being short-tempered if he genuinely wanted her to stay with him. He also wanted to be close with her then make her fall for him. And when that happens successfully, he will confess to her that he was the one who kissed her that night at the Masquerade Ball.

And if she forgot the kiss we shared that night, I will make her remember every second that happened. If possible, I could just repeat the kiss so that she could remember me fast. Jay thought in his mind.

The problem is, she didn't recognize that it was him. But she did look into his eyes. He saw it with his own two eyes that she deeply stared at his intimidating eyes yet tempting to look at.

But what if she gets mad at me when we finally get close and fall for me?

Shut it, Jay. Don't get your hopes too high. She doesn't like a guy like you. And she doesn't deserve you. She deserves more. A part of his mind says that to him.

JAY SIGHED and picked up his keys. He wanted to bring Riley to someone important to her.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

He smiled at her. "It's a surprise."

Riley giggled, making him chuckle. "Oooh! I love surprises!" Then she suddenly pouted. "Though I didn't experience being surprised."

His smile disappeared.

She never experienced a life full of rainbows and unicorns. And her family is much more broken than ours. Should I be thankful that I had everything even if I had a broken family?

"I'm glad that I'm the first that will surprise you." He said.

Riley entered his Aston Martin when they arrived at the garage. She closed the door then opened the window and said...

"Then that makes you special to me."

His breathing became fast. His chest was beating so fast like his heart wanted to come out.

He tapped his chest. "Please don't do that again."

Riley innocently raised his eyebrows. "Do what?"

He bit his lip and shook his head. "Nothing." Then he went to the driver seat.

Jay felt the awkward atmosphere between them. They were silent the whole ride until they reached their destination.

"Hospital?" She gasped and looked at him unknowingly. "But my treatment is already done."

He didn't answer her and instead, he went out of the driver's seat and walked towards the passenger's seat to open the door for her.

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