Chapter 27: Ask To Dinner

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Chapter 27: Ask To Dinner

Jay was smiling ear to ear and his hands were inside his cargo shorts while walking to the corridor towards their room quarters. 

He opened the door like nobody's business. But he halted when he saw Jake talking to Riley who's lying on the bed, unconscious. 

His jaw tightened and his fist clenched when Jake caressed her hand and kissed it. 

"I'm always here for you whenever you need me. I'll do everything for the girl I like. I love you, Riley."

He lost his patience so he turned his back on them and left the room. 

Jay didn't like the idea of hurting his brothers so chooses to leave them. He felt jealous of Jake. He just gone for an hour and then he'll just witnessed that Jake loves Riley. 

"So? What happened? Wait… why are you look so upset?" 

He ignored Charlotte and walked near the seaside to let out his miserable feelings. 

A tear fell from his eyes down to his cheeks. He can't help but to sob as he stared at his supposed surprise to her. He wanted to make it up to her when he saw her leave his filming their commercial. He thought she was jealous that's why he made something special for her. 


Jay stepped out of the room for a moment. He was planning something and he hopes that it will work. 

After he saw Riley earlier, she asked Jake why she was here. Jake said she had school camping and it was such a coincidence when they met each other here.

He wanted to make it up to Riley. She must've got the wrong idea when she saw him staring at his partner, who happened to be her best friend. 

Jay went to the nearest restaurant near the sea. It's not that far so he only walked to go there and ask for a reservation and a dine in for two.

"Can I make a request?" He asked the manager.

He actually went to the manager to ask for a favour.

"Yes, sure. What is it, Mr. Park?" 

The manager knew him because of his family background. They're one of the richest families in the country. 

"Could you prepare two chairs and a table outside near the beach? And I want it to be special. With candles, roses and stuff like that." He glanced at his wrist watch. "Could you do it within thirty minutes?" 

The manager was too stunned to speak. But in the end, he managed to nod and call his men and the chefs to inform them. 

"I-Is that all, Mr. Park?" 

He put his hands inside his pocket. "Yes. That's all. I'll triple the pay later." 

He left the restaurant and went to the couple of students chit chatting in front of the bonfire to find Riley.

It took him minutes to find her but he couldn't and instead, he saw her best friend, Charlotte so he approached her to ask where Riley was. 

"Riley? You know my best friend?" Charlotte was shocked. 

"Yes. Where is she?" 

"Wait. Why are you finding her? And what is your business with her?" She asked while folding her arms over her chest. 

Jay tsked. "I want to ask her to dinner." 

"Well, we already had our dinner." 

Jay rolled his eyes. "Well, I haven't. And I'm hungry so tell me where she is. Hurry." 

Charlotte shook her head in disbelief. "So arrogant." She pointed to the boutique hotel. "She's in our room. Room 105." 

He smiled. "Thanks." 

He ran the distance between where he stood to the hotel. While he was running in the corridor while finding her room, he halts and started to walk when he realized they had the same room number. 

So the two girls that the bellboy was talking about are Riley and Charlotte? 

He grinned. 

Who wouldn't think that I'm lucky today? 

-End of flashback-

Jay groaned. "Argh! Lucky my ass!" 

He was kicking the sand that covered his feet like a kid who didn't get what he wanted. Suddenly, he heard a chuckle behind him. 

"Busted? That's why you're upset?" 

He glanced at Charlotte who went beside him. 

"Shut up. You're making me pissed." 

Charlotte didn't stop. She continues teasing and laughing at him until they end up sitting on the sand and talk about some nonsense things to freshen up Jay's mind and heart. 

WHEN THE ambulance arrived, Jake lifted Riley and helped the nurses to lie her body on the stretcher and take her to the nearest hospital. 

He held her hand. "You're going to be okay, sweetheart. I'm here." He kissed the back of her hand. 

They didn't take long to arrive at the hospital. The nurses assist them to bring her to the emergency room. 

"She's burning with a fever." The female nurse said. "Stay here, sir. We'll check up on her." She stopped him when he's about to her inside the curtain that covers the hospital bed. 

He felt relieved when the nurse came out. 

"How's she?"

"Are you her guardian, sir?" 

He stilled. "Uh, yeah. Boyfriend actually. So, how's her condition?" 

"She needs a proper rest, sir. She must've been thinking a lot, that's why her brain suddenly shuts down while soaking her body in a hot tub. But all in all, she's fine." The nurse said. 

"Thanks, doc." 


He went beside Riley and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. 

"You've been stressing yourself out. You said you came here to relax but look what happened to you." He sighed. "When you're awake, I will take you home to get some more rest. No work for you for one month." 

Jake texted Jay that he will not be able to come back to the beach because he had to take Riley to the hospital. Then he asks him to pick up his things and Riley's with his car. His keys are left in his bag.  

Half an hour had passed, he didn't reply so he tried to call him but he's out of coverage.

"Where the hell is that dude?" 

He shook his head and moved to the couch and lied. He rested his head on the arm rest and closed his eyes. He's tired from driving for hours all the way here and from the photoshoot. 


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