Chapter 32: Uncertain Assumptions

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Chapter 32: Uncertain Assumptions

Jay was about to push the glass door of the airport when he noticed that some flight attendants were in a hurry. They were panting as they ran towards somewhere.

Based on their faces, something bad happened so he stopped a flight attendant to ask her.

"Is there any problem?" He asked. He didn't know how to speak Japanese so he hoped that this woman could understand the English language.

The woman looks like she's shocked. "T-There's an a-airplane crash, sir."

His heart beats fast. He felt nervous all of a sudden without a reason.

The huge TV screen inside the airport turned on. There, it showed the airplane had crashed into a tons of trees and it blew up. Making people scream and scared of what happened. The newscaster was explaining the airplane crash and its explosion.

"Good evening to all, this is Megan Stein from Fox News, speaking. A plane crash just happened earlier around 8pm in the evening from the flight of American Airlines. A flight from Orlando to Seattle. Hundreds of passengers died in the massive explosion including Captain Noel Hoover. Only four people were hurt and survived among the hundreds of people inside the plane. The rescuers and investigators already took care of the people and the plane crash. Again, this is Megan Stein from Fox News, speaking."

Jay couldn't move a muscle after he heard the news. His body felt numb and he's sweating cold. He just stood there like a mannequin. Lifeless and hopeless coated his system.

N-No… Dad!

"Jay hyung!"

He heard someone called his name but he didn't have the strength to move.

"Hey, Ethan hyung told me that you're here. But our father called to inform us that their flight is today, so we have to go back to Seattle."

He turned to face his brother. It was Hoon. With Riley who's silent behind him.

"Wait, what's wrong with your face? You look pale. Are you tired?" Hoon noticed. "We can rest a bit if you want-"

"H-Hoon…" He put his hand on Hoon's shoulder. He felt like he's going to pass out in a minute. "H-Have you h-heard the n-news?"

Hoon's brows tugged up. "What news? We're on our way here so I haven't heard or seen the news. What about it?"

Jay didn't know what to do so he asked Hoon a favor to talk to him in the men's restroom. He told everything to him even though he's shivering nervously.

There's no need to lie or hide it from him. He needs to be tough. But there is still no certainty that they're one with the deceased. They still had hope. It's not yet confirmed.

"YUMI, ARE there any meetings next week?"

Ethan removed his glasses and focused on his secretary slash best friend.

Yumi checked her schedule then shook her head. "Uhm, nothing, boss."

"Good." He stretched his arms. "Ahhh, now I can get a nice sleep."

Yumi rolled her eyes. "Yes, boss. Me too. Have you forgotten that I'm like your shadow? Everywhere you go, I'm there. So if you go home late, I also go home late. But I'm not demanding." she wiggled her eyebrows. "You've always raised my salary."

Ethan sighed and smiled. "Yeah. What can I say? I'm the best boss ever." His smile faded. "Though I've been thinking about quitting."

Yumi stilled. "What? Why? Is it because of me?" She pointed to her face. "Are you getting sick of this face because you see it everyday? Aish! Oh come on, boss! It's not a valid reason! You should not think about quitting or I'll smack you on your handsome face!"

The tip of his lips rose up. "Really? Am I handsome?"

Yumi avoids his eye contact and clears her throat. "There's no need to lie, boss."

Ethan stood up and leaned closer to her face. "I know that already. But when you say it, it makes my heart beat so darn fast." He whispered while staring at her eyes.

Yumi's eyes widened and she stepped backwards. Her cheeks reddened and she ran towards the door and left him inside his office.

Ethan chuckled and went back to sit on his swivel chair. Yumi never fails to make him smile even if he's tired all day. He likes to tease Yumi and see her cheeks widened because of his sweet words.

Minutes later, he was packing his suitcase and arranging the paper works on his table when Yumi entered his office. She was catching her breath and looked anxious so he instantly worried and went to her.

"What's wrong?"

"E-Ethan… U-Uhm, t-there's… uh," She was hesitating to speak.

He held her shoulders and talked straight into her eyes. "Yumi. Tell me, what's wrong."

She inhaled and exhaled before she spoke. "American Airlines is on the news. And it says that it c-crashed and e-explode."

His brows furrowed. "What does that have something to do with our company?"

Yumi started to bite her fingernails. "Ethan, please don't panic. That Airline is the Airline where your father and his friends were."

Ethan stilled. His brain couldn't function what Yumi just said. It was like she just drop a bomb in front of him and he didn't get the chance to avoid it.

Without a word, he left his office and went to the garage where his car was to go to the Airport to confirm and to catch up what happened.

Please tell me it's not true… please…

JAKE WAS spending his night at a famous bar. A bit far from the mansion. The wine and liquor was too good and very delicious here so people really visit here for partying and jamming.

"Another glass of Vodka, please." He asked the bartender.

The bartender gave him a glass of vodka and he drank it straight bottoms up.

"Are you celebrating something?"

A voice of a woman spoke and sat beside him. He isn't in the mood to flirt right now. Many women try to catch his attention but also give up when he doesn't show some affection. He's not here for celebration. He's missing someone. And he wanted to drink to somehow forget her.

"Hey," The woman waved his hand in front of his face. "Are you drunk already?"

He looked at the annoying woman beside him. He jumped a bit when he saw it was Riley's best friend.

"What? Don't tell me you don't remember me?" She chuckled. "I'm Charlotte Mitchell. And you're my photographer for the cosmetic photoshoot, remember?"

Jake was starstrucked to see this woman. He didn't know what possessed him to stare at her beautiful magnetic eyes that hypnotized him. He was slowly leaning on her face until their lips met.

Charlotte, on the other hand, was too stunned to move and react. It was too fast! She didn't even look away to avoid him! It was too late!

But the feeling is too good to bear. It's very addicting. So she moved her lips and kissed him back with the same ferocity. Savoring the feeling of the taste of their lips.

It tastes like heaven… Charlotte thought in the middle of their kissing.

Jake groaned and his head fell to her shoulder. Good thing her reflexes were fast so she immediately caught him and let his head rested on her shoulder.

Lotte chuckled when he sniffed her neck. It tickles her. "I should take you home. You're very drunk."

Jake groaned again. "Uhmm… thank you… Riley…"


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