Author note

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Hello everyone! If you read my last incomplete story I apologize for that. If you guys want me to continue then simply ask and I'll finish that story as well.

BESIDES THE POINT! I wanted to start again with something new and not forgotten. I hope this will be better then the last and I won't forget it. But if I do I apologize and remind me to put up more parts polity.

I will warn you if you haven't read my description of the story that there will be
SMUT/Lemon(sexual/explicit acts that can be intense to some audience)

For those who aren't into that stuff I will make two parts before I post that chapter so no one would have to wait! These will be called Lime(limited sexual/non explicit acts that can include kissing/making out. It's limited on sexual acts. To those with no experience in sex scenes can confuse these two.)
I will try posting fast as poss cause no one likes to wait and at least 2 chapters at a time.

I'll have a grace period or brake of a day or two so if longer please remind me.

Those confused with with Lemon/Lime I'll explain more simply.
Lemon-sexual acts/explicit/sex scenes, these are described in the story
Lime-limited sexual acts/non explicit, sex scenes aren't described they will be shown as an example " fades into darkness or cuts into next day/morning"

Now that's done hope you enjoy the story!

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