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I woke up in a jolt as I felt a small breeze flow around me. Looking around I see my window was open and shut it. I stretched and checked my phone for the time 3pm.
Damn I slept a long time. I need a shower too after all the mess for the last couple of days
Jumping into the shower I had my mind full of many things.

Mess with Monty, how the hell am I gonna be able look at him. Will Sunny find out about Monty and me? Wait will he ask what I did yesterday as a task? Will he ask how Monty got fixed?! Crap! No one but an electrician was there yesterday to fix the lights, so I can't make an excuse saying a worker was. If he finds out Monty was up and running.....man I don't know what he will do. Maybe he won't know......right? God I don't know! But if does I may never hear the end of it and he is gonna get worried and possibly mad! God why can't I just shower in peace.....

I sighed as I washed my hair and whined trying to forget everything for right now....

Maybe I should have taken a bath instead. At least THAT would have been a bit more relaxing than just standing here. God, I need another nap...

Turning off the water I wrapped myself in a towel and went to my room and put of a set of clothes. Brushing my hair, I head down to the kitchen and make a sandwich. Turning on some music and jam out to it while cleaning up the house since I still have a whole before heading back. 

Maybe I'll try going to the park again...but this time to that meadow. It looked very similar and it's much farther than where those bums are.

After deciding we're I wanted to go, I went and grabbed my sneakers and ran out the door excited for my adventure. Since it's farther I rather just drive there and then take a short walk there. Jumping into my car I took a back road down there. All the trees flew like a shadow driving past them.

10 min flew by, and I finally made it there. Hopping out the car and walking down the path that leads to that beautiful meadow. The dirt path was filled with small rocks as I kicked them along with the snapping of the twigs. Birds dancing together and singing along. Those beautiful sounds never get old. Trees creating and bushes whispering with their rustling to the little critters in and beneath them. Creaks making music with the sounds of their water droplets as it runs through the big and small rocks in their beds. Cicadas calling one another in the distances of each other and woodpeckers making their homes for themselves and those of the future.

I smiled to myself as I the rays of sun started to hit my face. Since I was getting close to the edge of the woods. And after a minute or so I did, introduced to the huge sunlight that beamed around the whole place. Flowers of many varieties was shown. My eyes widen at the sight.

This is more beautiful than my dream had shown.

My eyes widen and beamed by this. I felt like a child living in their dream. It was so warm here, beautiful, nothing could ever describe it besides a dream. Honey and bumble bees had buzzed around landing on each flower, wiggling into them and popping out with yellow fuzzies on them. Butterflies had chased each other around just like the birds. Yellow,white, blue, and even those yellow and black butterflies. I watched them and sat down in the grass as it blew in the breeze. Breathing in the wonderful, sweet scent of them. 

I could stay here forever.

I laid down on my back and closed my eyes to soak in the heat and comfort. The grass felt like a cushion and the suns rays like a blanket. Taking a deep breathe as I slowly drifted into my surroundings...
A light graze was on my arm, opening my eyes I see a cat. It pawed again at me; they were black with a tiny whit patch on their neck. A whisker was white too, with green, amber eyes staring down at me as it tilted their head. Mewing at me and I smiled.

" What are you doing little one?" Raising my hand to pet their head, they leaned down and rested their head into my head. Rubbing against it as they purred.
" you're such a cute cat, friendly too even. Your owner must be worried about you if you're out here on your own." Rubbing their ear and leaned into it enjoying the touch. Plopping down next to me and snuggled into my side. I awed and rubbed them some more. They closed their eyes as they purred.

They look so comfy; do they really enjoy this? Even so they are seeking comfort by a stranger and feel safe, I guess. But even so I don't care I don't mind the company. Later we can go try finding their owner if that's the case. Since they look well fed and taken care of.

Petting them they curled up into me and tail curled up around them. I wrapped an arm around them and closed my eyes too. Slowly again melting into the comfort.

At least I'll be able to enjoy this with someone at least...

I opened my eyes, and the sky grew darker. I blinked some more and saw the cat was still there. But looking at me, I smiled down at them and they nuzzles my arm as they sat up stretching. I sat up myself and pet them some more. After a minute I got up and stretched. They looked at me and rubbed against my leg. Picking them up I walk back. The birds were still chirping and everything seems to look the same. Just everything seemed a bit dark.

Maybe I fell asleep for a moment?

Walking with the cat, gently petting their head. Reaching to the car I put the cat down and they rubbed on me some more before taking off. I waved at them goodbye hoping they get home safe or where ever they are coming from. Checking my phone I see it's 6pm. I shrug and decided to head home.

Time flew by and I was in the living room watching a horror movie of some kind. Relaxing as I was preparing myself for another night of God knows what's. Shaking it off, I continued to watch seeing if it will help. And for a while it did. Till the later it got, the more I thought of it.


I sighed and decided to pack a bag again and some gummies. When doing so I see the bottle of glitter glue. Staring at it, it glistened in the light and swayed to each side it tilted too. Putting it back, packing the rest of my stuff and heading out the door by 11pm.

11:25 came by as I rolled into the Megaplex parking lot and checked my watch for messages, and one was sent to me.

" Hey y/n for tonight before to heading into the daycare make sure you do a check up on Monty. He seemed to be fine but it's safer if we have him checked for any minor errors. He should be in his room so take him down to parts and service and check that way. More instructions shall be in there. After that please clean Sunny. He got into a glitter glue fight with a kid and let's just say the kid won. His bells are covered in it, and I need you to clean him before it gets bad. He looked to be in a better mood after you so I think you will have no problems with that.

P.s Thank you for hanging in there! Your paycheck should be given by late Sunday since it's a resting day for everyone."

I nod and grab my bag and started to head in

Welp here we go with a spice for tonight!



May 15, 2024: Grammar fixes, very minor sentence changes

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