Up To Come

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After a long nap I had woken up in a dark room. Rustling on the huge pillow I realized I was still in DJ's room. But I could feel that ever so slight movement on the pillow too. I slowly get up from under the huge blanket and saw DJ laying 'next' to me. He was in his original state like I saw him before falling asleep. He was breathing in slow then out slower. He almost didn't look to move at all, but he was shifting the bed in that so. I was resting by his head as he seemed to wrap around himself as so in a blanket. I smiled at the sight and gently rubbed his head before quietly getting up and out the bed. I looked around for a way down, but I couldn't find one.

Maybe if I jump just right, I can land with ease.

I looked around for a soft spot. As I was ready to jump and in mid jump, I feel myself suddenly in a grip of some sort.

-" Woah there jitter bug. A fall like that could hurt you. Glad I woke up when I did."

He props up and lifts me up to his face and chuckles. I puff up and sulk.

• " I would have been fine. Something like that wouldn't have done anything."

-" Oh my, a feisty one this early morning. I see you're feeling better though. Hold on."

A puff of smoke appears and in his place was his human like form. He takes his glasses off and turns on a light. He snickers and taps my head.

-" That's better. Now, shall we head out and get you something to eat?"

I nod and he slowly gets up with a smile on his face. His eyes were pretty though. Bright brown color shining through. He put me on his shoulder as we made it through a tunnel and out to the dance floor. He began to look around and crawled again to another tunnel that lead us to a vent. He slowly let me down and he himself became my 'size'. Opening the vent with a shushing finger on his lips.

-" Let's try to be quiet sugar. We don't want the others to find us. After all we are trying to hide you for the mean time."

He bows with a hand out looking up.

-" Ladies first."

I roll my eyes and he help me out the vent and into the salad bar. Of course we took the back way and got some food and hid under the counter snicker and laughing quietly.

• " This is actually fun! It's fun to sneak around with you and goof off. I'm enjoying myself."

He holds his milkshake and takes a sip before chuckling.

-" I'm enjoying myself as well. It's been a while since I left my dance floor since I'm huge to say."

• " Do the other really not know about your ability?"

He shakes his head.

-" No. Not this shifting ability to say. I don't know if they know if they have it to so it's a mystery for now. But could and would they is the question. I'd like to tell them, but it could go bad. We can move our faces and show emotions and all that, but do they know they can turn human to say? Or more human like is up to them. I can be full or half human looking if I wanted to but that was from training and experience of self-learning."

He leans back sighing as he puts his milkshake down. A frown plasters his face, and he groans.

-" It would be nice to see them all happy for once. Truly be happy with themselves."

All of a sudden, he jerks up and looks down at me.

-" Sun though is the closest to this though. He shifts all the time with Moon so if anybody can do it, it's him."

• " Well Sun says he can also shift with metal and silicone. Could that be something? He says it's part of how they made him."

DJ looks at with awe and surprise on his face. He takes his glasses off and rubs his temple before looking back to me with them.

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