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It was warm, fuzzy even. The air tickled my nose as the warm breeze brushed against me. It felt of that of a cloud. Everything seemed to feel so light. All seemed to be a bliss, an abyss even. I had opened my eyes and saw a hue of pink, with a tint of blue and yellow mixed in. Looking around I realized that I was 'falling' in away. But nothing drastic....was I falling or floating? Everything was the same and the sun in the distance seemed to just grow bright and larger. Why does my mind seem hazed? Why it everything suddenness confusing? Where am I? A voice then called in the distance. 'I'm here.' It spoke with faint sorrow in its voice. ' I'm here.' Again, it spoke again. Where is it coming from? Suddenly everything drew darker and colder. Engulfing me into the abyss now it seemed. Everything was gone.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them. My eyes still heavy and groggy I groaned and layed still sighing to myself. I turn my head and meet Sunny's chest. As this shot through my head I realized that he was holding me with by the waist with one arm wrapped around me while the other was propped up under his head. His eyes were closed and could hear the light rising of his chest and breathing. I don't know why but this maybe me shiver. I mean how could he really breathe when he is a animatronic?
This thought didn't last long as I could hear him shuffle ever so slightly and sigh breathlessly.
I looked at him more and could see his defined features more. Memorized by his face and design. 

I never knew why but he just always fascinated me. Even Moon fascinates me, I should say both do. Something about them isn't like the rest. They seem different, not just look but feel different. They haven't gotten my attention this way like the others did no. I was drawn to them...I guess you could say from the beginning. They are a mystery, both him and moon. I want to know why. Know what makes them like that. Why I'm so fascinated by them. Alike yet so different and in their own ways charming.

The more I thought, the more I got lost into it. I never realized the pair of eyes that looked down into mine. Even though I looked directly into them. The only way I knew when I heard his chuckles and caressing of my cheek. I had snapped out of it by then and he smiled amused by what he say.

-" Lost, are we?"

He rubbed my cheek again and stared more into me. His eyes never breaking from mine.

• " Um, sorry was just thinking."

-" Of what sunshine? You can tell me."

He smiled more waiting. My breathe hitched for some reason by this. I couldn't help but blush and think of a lie.

• " About the night."

-" Ah, I see."

He lifts himself up and stands up. Looking down at me. He picks me up and carefully gets out the fort before walking off.

• " Wait Sun what about-"

-" No need sunshine. I'll get that later, for right now we are going to the tower."

This took me back, yes, they deal with kids, but they also are very clean with things even if it isn't themselves. He hopped up to the tower and pulls the currents aside as he sets me down. Looking around I see the pictures on the wall with Sun and Moon and a couple other things on the floor. The other room I saw it only seemed to push things to the sides. He then without saying anything walks into that small room. After moments he comes out hold something behind himself.

• " What do you have Sunny?"

He looks to the side and a pink hue covers his face. He then pulls out a paper made rose bouquet. My eyes widened as looked at him.

-" For you sunflower."

He comes closer and presents them to me. I slowly take them and became flushed. Speechless of what to say. No one ever done this.

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