Our Discussion

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Walking into the green rooms of the performers I walk over to Monty's room. His curtains were closed, and nothing was heard inside. 

Maybe he is on rest mode?

Swiftly walking to the door and hesitating for a moment before knocking on the door.

Breathe y/n, it will be okay. Let's just hope Sunny can wait.

A faint sound was being heard from inside.

-" Who is it!" Monty shouted from inside.

• " It's me y/n." Replying back, next thing I hear lots of loud bangs and clangs as the door shot open.

-" Ah little Rockstar? What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you to be here." He stared at me; eyes wide open surprised.

• " Well, I need to take you to part and service to check on your system to make sure to everything is running well." He nodded as he rushed out and walked with me to our destination.

On our way there it was awkward and silent, besides the steps and bangs from our feet. Monty walked looking to the side hesitant and looked uncomfortable.

• " You alright Monty?" He snaps out of it and nods.

-" I'm just thinking is all. Um did you come straight here Little Rockstar? Sunny might be worried not seeing you since it's 11:10 already." I nodded and he rubbed the back of his neck.
-" So that's the case huh." He murmurs to himself; we make it to the room.

Monty sits in the cylinder, and I operate the machine. A note was left of the basic process.

" If you worked on this yesterday which obviously it's the same. Just use the scanning for a few minutes and you're done. Check for physical error and your good go! Once he is done, take him to where he wants to go. This is so you can watch him as he makes his way there, anything off please write to me about it if not you may continue on where you need to go next!"

I scan the computer and turn it on. He lays back and we wait for 5-8 minutes before the scan if complete. It showed everything was fine.

• " You're doing good so far Monty!" Giving him a thumbs up and he nods. Stepping into the cylinder myself, I ask him to sit up and does so. Checking his limbs and joints.

• " Yep, your good. Since this it done now, where are you off too now after this?" He thinks and turns to me.

-" How about Monty golf? I know it this is out of the park question, but can we golf for a bit? You don't need to or have to..." I think about it for a moment.

• " Sorry Monty not tonight. How about some point in the future though. I need some time still and I need to see Sunny for his checkup." He nods understanding and we walk together to Monty golf.

Time goes by and we make it to the attraction.

• " Alrighty, you seem to be functioning normal, even better actually. Since that's the case I'll be heading out now." As I was about to turn around, he grabs my wrist.

-" Y/n....I hope you have a good shift. I hope this didn't ruin it. But..." he gets on his knees as he slid his hand onto mine, holding it.
-" If you need anything...don't be afraid to ask. I know I messed up and you may be tired of this but still. Don't be afraid to ask, anything and I mean it." He stares up at me and I nod, sighing he gets up and gently pushed my back to go forward to the exit.

-" Now you should hurry up now. He's gonna get impatient if not." Giving a slight wave I give him one back.

• " See ya Monty."

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