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Still in his arms he picked me up under my arms and held me straight. Looking at me dead serious.

-" Well do I get an apology, little star?" He hummed smirking slightly.

• " Nope." He frowned but then smirked again. He had an idea I could tell.

-" Well naughty child ne-"

•" I'm no child!" Cutting him off pulling his Cap off and hiding it behind me.

-" Hey! Give that back." He frowned, shocked and mad.

-" Now." He demanded, serious and death staring at me.

-" This will have consequences if you don't, little one."

• " No! Just because you called me little!" He scowled.

-" Fine. Naughty ones need punishment~" In one swift movement he kneels down and throws me over his knee. Raising his hand and slapping the ever living shit out my ass.

• " OW! QUIT IT!!" 

-" I. Told. You. But. You. Didn't. Listen. This. Happens. When. You. Don't. Listen!" Every word was a pause and slap. As last one was placed as I owed my way through all of it. A pain raising heat was left on my butt. 

• " THAT HURT!! MOON!" He lifts me up to get up and tosses me on the ground.

-" Good!" He walks away leaving me on the ground shaking. I looked at him as a tear ran down my cheek. Wiping it quickly so he didn't see I sniffed quickly and quietly standing up, squinting my eyes.

Don't cry don't cry, you're okay it didn't hurt. You're not a kid. Grow up. Your not a kid. You're okay. Don't cry like a baby. It didn't hurt.
It didn't hurt...
But you are one.
I'm not
Yes, you are
Yes, no yes

I opened my eyes widely as I looked around. He was gone. Huffing, I walked out the daycare leaving everything, except my flashlight. walking to rooms of the showing animatronics.
I needed something to do and not with HIM.
Not paying attention I bump into something

• " I'm sorry I didn't mean to!"

-" You're alright, I'm sorry myself y/n." I look and see it was Roxy.

• " Oh, Roxy it's nice to see you!" She laughed awkwardly and smiled

-" You too y/n it's been a while, hasn't it?" She placed a hand behind my back

-" Let's head to my room. I know it's dark but there at least you won't bump into anything. Your flashlight won't last forever." She guided me with her hand as we made it to her room. She sat us down and faced me.

-" So, what's up? You seem upset." I sighed; I didn't want to tell what exactly.

• " Oh, just the lights. Kinda irritating..." 

-" I understand! Let's do something to distract you. Like catching up." 

• " Alright how have you been doing since last time. I know it's been a while but still." She looked away and sighed herself

-" A lot honestly, but I'm glad you're here. And I apologize for what Monty did to you, after Chica found him, she knew that Monty did something to you since his whole demeanor changes when it came to you." I nodded and told her what happened with him, but not Sunny/Moon.

-" I just wished he would control himself. What he said wasn't the same for what we meant for you. I missed you tho, I missed your warm hugs and comfort you gave us. You made us look forward to the days we get to see you. It's the truth. Even though you were so little and met you so few times we fell in love with you." I was shocked by this.

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