Author Note

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Hey sorry loves no I didn't stop making them just been really busy last week since it was my birthday and tests that week. Also I have been working on the story I've been taking time to make sure that it been going well too. I'm hoping to just pop a chapter one after another like everyday like I used too just everytime I get to start writing literally something comes up and by the time I'm done and have "free time" I'm too tired or having to do something else. You all have been so support of this story and I can't thank you enough honestly. And taking your time to be invested to it too gives me much joy. Again I really do apologize just hoping when I actually get a brake I will be much more motivated and actually be able to spread my time on my story and make a new one afterwards. I hope your guys weekend and week been great and hopefully if not they get better in the long run. Love you ❤️

P.S sun and moon thank you too🌚🌝

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