A.N & Question

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HELLO my lovely readers! I'm here to update you on the next chapter. It should be out between 1-3 days. Why I say that is because I have a question for you all and want your opinions on it.
I was thinking of adding their perspectives every now and then to the story as their OWN chapters. Some could be small but others may be long as well.
Why I say this is to add detail and depth in the story. I want to just focus on Y/N's perspective as the MAIN chapters so we aren't confused on who is who and who's eyes we are seeing through. I've read story's where they don't tell or show this and can get confusing so that's why I want to ask.

It would go for example: 'So it Goes' -our view..... 'So it Goes - SM' or 'SM-What was that?!'

Something like that, it would be how they are viewing things DURING the situations. If Y/N is out taking with DJ cause she's hiding from moon and that's how the chapter ends still. That NEXT chapter would be what's going on in Moons or Suns perspective. Like how moon would behave looking for them, how he may have spoke to Monty and felt about that. His thoughts and feelings in his eyes.

This was a idea I had for a while but wasn't sure what to do. So I thought this would help make things more interesting and maybe even....we'll you know...entertaining. Giving more details on things.

If you're wanting to do so then you can comment your opinion of it here.

If uncomfortable showing what you're think but still want to have a say then you can just message me. If you have questions then again message or comment.

Love you all for being so patient and positive with me. Thank you for your guys support. 💛❤️💙

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