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I froze as he held my waist grinning.

-" I finally caught the little star that ran from me~"

He chuckles to himself as he taps my waist with his finger. Leaning in, analyzing me before backing away. He put his hand on his hip and leaned on his leg.

-" Now that we know I win this game. Which in all honesty was set in stone, after all, I never lose. What shall we do now?"

I tilted my head as he waited.

• " Wait your asking me?"

Pointing to myself and he nods.

-" What did you think I mean by that?"

He tilts his head confused by this.

• " Oh well, as you said if you win you do what you want."

-" oh! Uhhh- well I'm staying here for the rest of the night, aren't I?"

He trails off as he rubs his head looking away.

Don't tell me...

" You don't know any you?"

He looks my direction again and sighs nodding.

-" Well, I never had to worry about those things, after all it was Sunny's thing..." that really the truth?.... Or is it something more....

Feeling bad for him I walked over to him as he stared at me confused.

-" What y-"

I raised my hand to hover over his cheek. He stared at it and flinched with a stern face. Swatting my hand away.

-" Don't touch me."

He growls as he goes to turn around. Looking over his shoulder he sighs.

-" I don't like it....sorry let's do something. Anything you want."

He turns back around and leans over. Tilting his head and his eyes seem to stare straight into me.

• " Well, how about we make something."

He tilts his head to the other side.

-" Make....something? Like what?"

I gently grabbed his hand, which were massive. Honestly, I grabbed his pointing finger and middle finger as I gently tugged him to follow along. He was hesitant by the touch, but he did just that, following along behind me as he was leaned down since he is god forbidding tall.

-" Where are we heading to?"

• " Well, the craft corner silly."

Sitting down I pat the seat next to me and he slowly plops down, I grabbed some paper and puff balls.

-" What are you doing?"

He puts his hand to his face. In a thinking way to say.

• " well, we are gonna craft something Moon. Oh, I almost forgot the google eyes that were in the shelf."

Standing up and rushing over to get them. Moon just sits there staring at the supplies like he never seen such things before. Making my way back he had a frown plastered on his face.

• " What's wrong Moon?"

I gently tap the spot in front of him as I lean over him to get his attention. He looks over and startled but nods and we both sit, and I start to set things out.

-" Umm....what do I do?.... I've never done something like this honestly. This is more Suns thing."

He rubs his arm and I gently lay my hand on his. He looks in my direction as I reassured him on what we can make. He calmed down after this and we both settled to making something small.

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