Im no Child!

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I woke up but saw that everything was still dark. I checked my watch, and it has only been an hour. It was 5 am, but there was a message after it. It was from Dave

" Hey after your shift you can go home if you want to. The Megaplex will not be open today due to a wire circuit blowing out. We will see if it will be open tomorrow, but we can't promise. But that shouldn't affect your shift so you still will be coming in." 

I settled in and stretched before sitting up. When I did, I looked around and saw Moon. Still laying against the wall. One knee propped up while the other was laid out. His right hand up on his knee and other on his lap. He looked asleep from where I was. 

Can they sleep?

I pondered while I slowly slid out of the bed and onto the floor. Slowly crawling to him, he seemed to be sleeping alright. I admired his sleeping form before as I slowly made my way to him more. Sitting in front of him as I looked at his clothes. Covered in stars, it looked to be pjs he wore. Smiling at this I gently touched his pant leg. He shifted and fell to the side. Before he hit the floor, I grabbed him and rested his head on my lap. He groaned and I started to pet his head. He calmed down and laid still for a while. 

I wonder why no one likes him besides his snarky self

I looked at the drawing that hung on the wall and smiled. 

Maybe I should draw moon so he wouldn't feel so left out.

When I thought about it there was no drawings of Moon. Nothing but the plushies and the statue. I frowned at the idea of how different he was from Sunny. It was upsetting really, Moon just seemed to uphold rules more than Sunny. Maybe this is what is making him so grumpy. Maybe giving him a gift would cheer him up.

Shifting on my lap I felt a hand rest on mine.

-" What are you doing little star? Shouldn't YOU be asleep?" I shook my head as he looked up at me. His eyes were blue, not red, not half blue and red, just sky blue. He tilted his head with a frown look at me.
-" That mark is still there..." he groaned reaching his hand out for my neck then he stopped. Hesitating and drew it back.

He really is strange...

He shook his head and sat up.
-" You should go get it patched up..." facing his back towards me. I nodded and got up myself. I walked to the door. Looking back then forward again. I opened the door and walked. It was still very dark, and no lights showed. I tried to adjust my eyes, but it didn't help a-lot. Before I knew, I didn't feel anything below me. 

Shit I forgot, the platform!

I screamed falling, my stomach felt light as I felt butterflies in it. Trying to reach for the platform, barely grazing it. Missing it, as I fell down into the darkness. Landing into the ball pit hard and onto the mat below. I wheezed as the air was knocked out of my lungs. Trying to catch my breath again. I felt dizzy and weak, I think I hit my head.

-" Y/N!?" I heard moon call out in the distance. Before long a 'splash' was heard in the distance from the pit. Hands grabbing me and lifting me up and out.
-"Are you alright?" A frown on his face. I nodded and threw a thumbs up in the air.

• " Yep..yep! I'm guuuuud!" Wheezing out from the slight pain and air trying to fill the lungs again.
•" Just the air knocked out of me." He shook his head and began to walk.
•" I can walk moon I'm fine really." I began to slowly take normal breathes.

-" In your state I doubt, but we can see." He put me down. Standing to my feet I began to wobble slightly from my torso hurting.

I'm not gonna prove him right. 

Beginning to walk, I made my way slowly to the gate without trying to look off.
-"Come on y/n you're being too slow. Admit you're hurt." He scoffed crossing his arms.

• " I'm fine!" More determined to get him off my ass.
He groaned irritated and picked me up with one arm throwing me over his shoulder.

-" Tell me that when you're not waddling like a penguin." Beginning to walk to the medic place. 

• " HEY! Put me down Moon!" Smacking him on his back trying to get him to put me down

-" Oh, quit it you're acting like a child! You're going to fall if you keep it up." He threw me up and hitting his shoulder again as he walked.

I huffed at this getting irritated, grumbling.

• "I'm not a child that's the thing I'm supposed to be looking after YOU!" 

-  " Well from the looks of it you're not doing a good job. In fact, it seems that I'm doing everything myself looking after YOU."
I went silent, shocked and stunned. I threw my head down at this and gritted my teeth

How dare he...! 

I looked, raising my hand and slamming it down on his butt.

He flinched and stopped. He looked over his shoulder staring dead straight at me. He was not happy by this I could tell. He gripped tighter on me and growled.
-" What. Was. What?" His eyes glowed that crimson red. I stared back at him not going down at this show down. 

-" We'll do this later after I fix you up." He looked back and walked into the medic area. Shoving the med bot out of the way and throwing me onto the table.

-"STAY." He walked away grabbing some supplies and throwing them on the tray. Pulling me towards him.

-" Show me." He stared angry at me, and I did as I was told not wanting to risk a slice and dice of my life. He examined the spot and rubbed it gently. I don't know why but every time he sees it, he grows more and more angry every time.

He leaned in closer, staring at the spot and gritted his teeth more.
He pulled out that rubbing alcohol and put some on a white pad.

-"Don't move, it will hurt I'm sorry." He places it on the spot and winced at the sharp pain. A tear ran down my cheek and he wiped it away.

-" This won't do." He blew on it and kisses the spot gently sending a shiver down my spine. He pulls away and grabs a Band-Aid and gently rubbing it down and kissing it again.

-" There done." He put the supplies away as I watched him. My face burned up from the sudden touch. Coming back, he looked at me as I did with him. He lifted me up and took us back to the daycare area.

-" You're not off the hook yet starlight." He looked down at me. 

• " Oh no...uhhhh can you put me down." Smiling innocently at him, he laughed. 


Well shit!
Jan. 1, 2022: Hey, loves sorry for the late update I got a pit busy and was making things also. So, hope you guys had a great New Years! Love you all!

May 14, 2024: Grammar fixes, minor sentence changes

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