Movie time!

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Sunny and I had played for a couple hours, and it was 10pm now. We had decided to take a break and surprisingly he did just that. We had gotten some bean bags and laid in them for an hour.... made we took a nap. What sorry when dealing with this 'man' it gets very tiring. When I get home, I'm so taking a sleep check.
We decided to play Hide and Seek but this time only in the daycare. So, we did just that, again, Sunny wanted to seek, and he went to his corner

-" One..." I looked around and decided to push the gate open.

"Two..." I came back and looked around quickly and quietly.

"Four..." I saw the Big ol' Freddy Teddy bear.

" Six..." I decided to hide in it after seeing a patched hole that zips to get inside.

" Eight..." Climbing inside I hurried and closed the patch and sat sit

"TEN! Ready or not HEAR I COME!!"

I stopped and breathed slowly. Hearing his footsteps trot out of the play area.

He fell for it!

It sure though was getting hot after 5 minutes of wait. Hearing him open the gates and walking in he was circling the play area.

" SUNSHINE, YOU HIDING IN HERE?!" He yelled as he crawled into the right play area. Clinging and clanging with every thump and bump as his weight hit the floor. After a minute he walked across the bridge and into my area. I did my best to try and not move.
He would fade in and out of my hearing till he slid down the slide.

-" Hmmm I wonder where she can be..." he stopped and started to walk away.
I sighed and before I knew it, he tackled the bear I was in.

-" GOT YOU! FOUND YOU SUNSHINE!" I yelped from the surprise attacked as he dragged me out of the bear.

-" That's a good hiding spot but let's not do that again, you could have suffocated in there."
He pats my head and rubs it as he smiled. 

-"Well now that's down what's next!" He tilted his head smiling

•" Not sure honestly....How about Tag but only in here!" He lit up at the idea and jumped away.

-" YA IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!" He looked at me and smirk.

-" Better start running sunshine!" He then starts to run at me and out of god knows what I panicked and screamed running away up the slide.
Again, I couldn't help it I was startled at the sudden scare!
He laughed at this and started to run up the slide also, from instinct I just ran and far away from him in the playground. It was kinda small with certain things but for my size it was fine.......till that stupid blue tunnel came. Climbing into that tunnel my hips got stuck and I frantically tried pulling through to only get stuck more.
Sunny had stopped seeing me in that state I could tell

-" Hey sunshine...are you stuck?" He asked and flung my legs as I struggled

• " YES, PLEASE HELP ME!!"  Jolting he goes and frantically grabs my legs.

-" Don't worry! I'll help you out! Just calm down and stay still." He starts pulling and I slowly started to get unstuck. Flinging back as he did his final pull I had launched into him.

• " Sorry Sunny!" I looked up at him as he looked confused and dizzy.

-" Y-your fiiiiiinnne Sunshiiiiinnnne!!" I got off him and helped him down the slide and we decided that maybe watching a movie wouldn't be so bad, so we did.
Gathering the bean bags Sunny snapped out of it and giggled.

• "What so funny Sunny?" Tilting my head at him as he dragged two bean bags my way.

-" Let's make a fort!" I lit up and smiled widely.

• " Ya let's do that!"
We ran into different directions and grabbed the soft shaped foam pieces and the bean bags and threw them together. We nodded and started to build the fort from the foam shapes the bean bags in middle.

-" Oh! I'll grab some blankets for us!"
He ran off and came back with some big blankets. We threw them over the top and on top the bean bags. And a spare for us to share.

-" This is going to be so much FUN! Our actual sleeping party moment...watching tv!" He giggled so childishly and did a little happy spin.
I walked over to the desk and tried to find a way to change the tv to the internet so we can watch something.

After a few minutes I did, and we put on a kid's movie that was pretty enjoyable. We watched it for about 45 minutes before I started to get a bit drowsy. Sunny must have noticed and threw the blanket over us. Pulling me closer to him as we laid down in the bean bags and huddled together in our little fort. Rubbing my head and he yawned.

Wait yawn?

He rubbed his eyes and cuddles up to me more and started to fall asleep with me in his arms. I couldn't help but awe at his sleeping form, it was so adorable! I rubbed his cheek and soon fell asleep with him. As our movie played on in the background.

Jan. 5, 2022: Hey sorry that it's short but I didn't want to drag something on too much since it will lead to our next chapter, hope you guys have a wonderful night!

May 15, 2024: Grammar fixes, very minor sentence changes.

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