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After my long 8-hour slumber I had woken up in the afternoon around 2:30pm. The rest was refreshing, and I jumped in the shower and changed my clothes as I washed my uniform. Preparing brunch for myself and decided to watch some TV.

Even after the shower and brunch I was thinking about Sunny....I really miss him. He really had changed my life in one night. No one cared for me That much since I was little.... when I saw everyone. 

Speaking of which I hadn't seen or heard them the whole night. Ya we went to their attractions but nothing. Dave said we might see them, but he also said they were going to be charging for the night it would take a while depending on their performance. Even so.... I have a strange feeling that I'm missing something.

I didn't want to be thinking about it the whole day and decided to go for a walk. Since I'm close to the park I decided to go there. I haven't been there for a while and maybe being somewhere outside would help relax and not stay all cooped up. While taking a stroll I had heard kids giggling and laughing in the park. They were talking about the Freddy's Megaplex. I couldn't make everything out but seems they were going some point next week and were really excited about the band. I decided to take the hiking trail into the woods to see if I can get a quieter spot.

Going up the trail I see people's nasty trash NOT in the trash and some squirrels here and there. Going up the trail deeper in the woods I saw a picnic table. I walked over to it and sat down taking a deep breathe. I took the moment in listening to everything as I closed my eyes.
I could hear the birds chirping and singing the melodies they have learned from generations of their kind that they were taught. A woodpecker here and there nailing into the wood of a tree, they seemed close but so far also. The squirrels dancing in the trees as they chased one another in attempt to catch them. The wind blowing gently through my hair making it sway lightly, the trees talking as they whispered many secrets to one another's ear. A mourning dove that calls to its mate. And smell the earthy scent of the ground and trees. Light brunches from branches falling every once in a while, off a tree or an animal slowly walking through it. But lastly, I could feel the sun, its warmth kisses landing on my skin and hugging around me.

Sun.....Sunny....that's how he feels. Just like the sun. He really is just a nice guy.

As I sat there thinking about him, I heard something off. I opened my eyes and saw a deer standing in front of me in the near distance. It was staring at me like it was trying to come closer. And it did so lightly, I've never seen such a thing happen. It leaned in slowly and sniffed the air getting my scent. I smiled at them and watched them, looking closely it looks to be a female. She is very beautiful and big. She tilted her head and then darted off as I watched her. Prancing with her tail up and disappeared. I smiled at the sight of her still vivid in my head and looked around. It was comforting being out here. But it was not for long....

I'm the distance I heard voices, many as in more than 2. I turned around and saw 4 guys coming up the trail being loud and obnoxious. What the hell are they going on about? And of course, out of all the places. I signed and decided that it was my time to leave.
"Hey you! Young girl!" One of the guys called out and I turned around annoyed and confused.
•" umm, excuse me?" I say annoyed trying to keep my cool.
-"What's a pretty gal like you doing out here by yourself?" Another said.
•" enjoying the quiet till you guys showed up and now I'm leaving" I stood up and started to walk away till one of them grabbed me.
•" Let me go!" I yanked my arm pissed as I looked at them.
-"chill lady we just were trying to have fun here" he snickered, and others joined. These boys must be drunk I can smell it.
•" take your 'fun' somewhere else then." I continued for till I was grabbed again.
•" goddamn it leave me the fuck alone!" He yanked my arm and had a firm tight grip on it as he pulled me to the group
-"I said we are trying to have fun here little girl~" they laughed, I kicked the back of his leg and he threw me back in pain. At the moment I didn't see that the trail goes downhill and fell down. I rolled and tumbled hitting my head and scratching my arms as I started to roll off the tail. When I did, I landed hard on the ground. I took a moment to collect myself since I was dizzy and saw I fell 3 feet down a cliff from the trail. I picked myself up and ran for it to the main park and hissed at the pain I was in. I had rips in my clothes and cuts on my body. Some were minor while others were bleeding a bit more. And I was bruising I could feel and tell. 

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