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Y/n's POV

I woke up groggy as my head was slightly pounding.
A heartbeat pumping and throbbing ever so lightly. It was rather annoying than anything. I sat up slowly as I looked around. Realizing that there were fairy lights around the top of the bed I smiled to myself.

Did Moon do this...?

I looked around to see if Moon was around and to my surprise he was.
He sat on the wall just like that one night I first met him. Well almost at least. Elegantly siting up on the wall, his head slightly draped down to the right as his left hand rested on the same knee. The other laid flat on the ground slightly tucked in. The cap was laid over his left shoulder as well. The fairy lights just barely kiss his cold yet soft skin. Just enough to show very little detail on his body.

How can such a being be so beautiful and so 'hateful'?

I smiled to myself as I was mesmerized by his sleeping form. 
I caught myself and felt my cheeks burn as I lightly pressed my hand over my lips, looking away slightly but still just enough to see him in my peripheral vision. My chest felt light as my stomach jumped.

I looked at him again. He was so still, yet his chest raised ever so slightly every now and then.

I got up off the huge bed and looked at him. My eyes just on him. Slowly moving closer as my bare feet touch the cool floor. From the rug under the beautiful bed to the plain yet modest floor. Slowly and carefully making my way over. The clock ticking every second.




I made my way in front on him. My heart jumped as I looked into his sleeping eyes. His lips closed together as his breathing was so light it was hardly noticeable. I was crouched down in front of him. Even then, him sitting there he was still taller and bigger than me.
Scooting closer my hand went to reach up to his face. Wanting to hold it, feel what it was like without his guard up. His grumpy and mean look, I knew he was soft but seeing him like this.

It makes me want to feel him.

As I was just so close to touchy him. I stopped, a tinge of guilt and sadness filled me.

I pulled away.

I sigh with my nose, not wanting to disturb him so I pull away a little. Only just to look over him. I never get this opportunity to do so. So, this gives me an excuse to fully see him.

Doing so though I leaned to close and began to topple over. Of course, towards him.


Before I could come collide in him. Something stopped me. A tug on my shirt as it grew tight.

A hand was holding me back.

I was staring straight into his face-his eyes. They slowly and smoothly opened. A red hue was covered over me.

-" Careful now, Starlight."

I stared shook at what I saw. No, what I felt.

He was awake?!? How long?!?

My face grew a smoking burn. Hurting my face as I looked into his eyes.
He chuckled, deeply.

-" If you wanted a closer look, ask next time instead of risking damage to both our faces. I may have not refused."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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