The Call

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Moon's POV

I hurried out the daycare to the med bay in hopes to see Starlight. I'm very worried that something terrible had happened in this place and I would feel much more comfortable if I kept watch over her while she rested. But I don't think I will be able to see her myself. The lights are all still on and my time will run out soon. I don't know if Sun will understand what's happening. I need to tell him somehow though.
I grabbed some paper and wrote a quick guide to where Starlight is.
Before long the lights had turned on and my time came to an end.

Please be okay Starlight.

Sun's POV

I shook my head and looked around. It seems to be that the day has ended and everyone left. Well not that late it seems.
I look at the clock and see there's still 20 minutes till closing. But I also see a note from Moon.


Y/n had an incident earlier. So she is in Medbay resting. A security call has been announced, go check on her.

He didn't need to ask me twice.
I quickly made my way over to elevators and went to medbay. Everything was quiet but rather tense. I couldn't see any of the Glamrocks usually I would of gotten a message from Freddy by now if that's the case. Nothing though, I could see Medbay and sighed lightly worried yet relieved that she is somewhere safe and resting. Getting closer though wasn't what it seemed though. I could sense somethings and wrong and opened the door quickly. I froze at the sight, not only was the bed empty but the room was a disaster. Everything was either tossed or pushed over in some way. And I could smell oil and blood everywhere.
Black liquid smeared on the walls and floor and a dent that was in the wall from the other side. Pieces of metal were on the floor also.
I stepped into the room and examined the dent due to it being different and to my horror I understood why, it wasn't one of us or this weird sent I'm picking up. It was a human, and it was Sunshines blood that was in place below it.

What on earth happened?

I shook in my spot clenching my fists as I looked around the room more.


Only a black substance that layed next to her blood. I ran out and looked around after it fully settled in.
She has to be alive. She HAS TOO!

I ran down the hall and caught sight of the black substance on the floor leading to a room. I rushed over and slammed it open.

-" Where is she?!"

I demanded firmly I did so. I could see Dave in the corner with his face glued to the clock and Freddy down on one knee next to a bed. Holding onto a delicate hand. He looked up at me with sad distraught eyes. His face was all beat up with tears and black fluid staining his face. On the bed layed my Sunflower unconscious all banged up with a wrap on her head.
I quickly made my way to her side and held her hand leaning down to her height.

-" No, nononono! Freddy what happened?!"

I looked over at him pleading as tears began to run down my cheeks.

-" Who did this?!?"

All he did was look over at me and shake his head as he wiped his tears.

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