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•" I-uh Monty?? I didn't mean to..." He's gets closer and nuzzles my neck rubbing on it. I flinch by the gentleness of it, giving me shivers since that spot never been touched like that. He picks me up yelping and sits me on top of his lap. He continues to nuzzle my neck. I felt him smirk and he nip at it, teasing that part of the skin. A slight jolt shoots into me. I gasp by this and squirm to get off him.  yelping loudly and he nips more.

•" Please M-Monty...Stop!" I demanded trying to push him off, but he was too big and strong. He licks my neck slowly and I squirm shivering, straining myself to pushing him away. Tears ran down my cheeks by this

•" MONTY STOP!" He jolts but before he said anything, I yelped. His teeth still latched on my skin, not strong but holding it.


That voice, SUNNY!

I look back, tears still running down my cheeks. There he was, standing there wide eyed by what he was seeing. 

• " S-Sunny!" I yelped as Monty looked up letting go my skin.

- "Or what?" Monty chuckled holding and tugging on me.
Sunny stared back, Anger in his eyes, hands bawled up into fists as they shook. We stared at each other as I pleaded for help. He gritted his teeth and before I knew it, he had Monty by his neck, yanking me from his arms and off him. Monty didn't even realize till he was trying to pry him off.

Sunny had pure anger in his face, his eyes, everything. Pulling me into him with his other hand he kicked him causing him to go flying back. He was pissed off for sure. Sunny picked me up and jumped back and looked at me.

-" ARE YOU OKAY!?!" He looked at me then saw the place that was teased with bites. He gritted his teeth more, looking back at Monty. His voice cracked and wheezed from the grinding of his teeth.
-"WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" He yelled; Monty didn't move but began to chuckle.

+ "You wouldn't understand Sun boy. She gave us light in our darkest time. SHE helped us at our worst. SHE understood our pain when others didn't! SHE saw me for ME!"

-" THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY WHAT YOU HAD DONE!!" He yelled; he shook when he did so. Shrieking sounded as is echoed in the room.

The lights began to flicker. Some how the place was having a short out. Before we knew it, it went all black. Sunny began to panic as he looked at me. He began to cry out in pain

-" LIGHTS ON, LIGHTS ON, ON ON!!!" He pleaded holding on me as he collapsed on the floor, Monty looked at him I'm confusion as Sunny looked back collapsed over in pain. He set me down and hollered in pain.
-" NO NO, RAAHGHHH!!!" He jolted up.

•" SUNNY WHATS HAPPENING!?!" I began to tear up in fear and pain for Sunny. I held him holding him down from hurting himself as he pleaded and yelled in pain.

-" R-RUN Y/N!!" Was all he got out before collapsing on me. I held him tightly for moment calling out to him.

• " Sunny, SUNNY! WAKE UP!" Tears running down my face before I felt him start to move. He lifted his head groaning. I grabbed his face making him face me but it wasn't Sunny. What i saw wasn't him.
It was Moon.

His eyes glowed red, clothes a dark blue with stars and a cap. Face showing more of the crescent moon and other was black. He laughed and giggled staring at me.

-" It's past your bedtime~ naughty naughty~" He picked me up with one arm as he slowly stood up. He looked at Monty then me. Something must have clicked before he snarled at Monty. Putting me down before launching at him. As Monty and him fought Moon had broken his jaw and knocked him out

Damn he beat the SHIT out of him! Please tell me I'm not next. 

He turned around facing me and walked towards me. He grabbed my face and examined me it seemed. Then he grazed my neck with his fingers gently before shaking his head and picking me up. He started to float and fly to the daycare it seemed.

•" M-Moon..?" I said scared and confused. He looked down at me as he flew raising an eyebrow.
• " Are you gonna h-hurt me...?" We looked into each other's eyes as I pleaded. He stopped and raised his hand to my face before wiping a tear from my cheek before continuing on again.

-" Why were you crying?" He said emotionless. I looked away and didn't say anything.
-" Was it him?" He said coldly. I nodded and he scoffed.
-" Don't worry he won't be back for a bit." Before I knew it, he stopped, and we were in the daycare. Everything was shut off. He set me down and stared at me. He stared at my neck more to say. He reached out to it and rubbed it gently. He scowled throwing me over his shoulder and flying up to the tower. He opened the door and sat me down. He continued to have a scowl as he searched for something.

• " Do you need help?" He looked back at me and sighed taking a moment. Walked back to me. 

-" It's past you bedtime."

• " Hey I work here! Plus, just cause I'm small doesn't mean anything." He raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

- " Go to bed." He said irritated. 

• " I won't till you tell me what's wrong with you!" He scoffed and groaned irritated by my stubbornness.

-" You're a stubborn brat you are." He sat down against the wall and looked up at me before sighing.

-"Fine, if you'll sleep then I guess we can talk." His eyes glowed that crimson red. His pupils were a dark black. Black as the night and maybe even darker. He tilted his head
-"I'm waiting." He hummed with a stern stare. Bells jingling as he propped his hand on his knee. I'm not gonna lie he did look handsome. 

• " Why are you so irritated at me? Even before this. I know your moon but..." I stopped trailing off into my thoughts. 

Your just different then him. Are you truly bad? Are you truly hurtful?

I frowned looking down.

-" Besides you not being in bed? Well for what that jerk of an alligator had done, what's his name....Monty?" He tilted his head again to the other side, his cap dangled as he shifted to another position.
-"We've never liked him. He had done stuff that wasn't justified. He should have known better. He hurts children maybe not physically, but he didn't do his job....and upsetted Sunny due to this." He looked off in the distance.
-" We may never get along but that doesn't mean I don't care for him..." his eyes began to dull.  The Crimson Eyes began to change and dull out reverting to a light baby blue color.  He looked back in my direction.
-" After all we are one." He looked at me then away again. Before shaking his head lightly closing his eyes and sighing. He stood up and walked over.
-" Now that's done will you rest now. I did as you said." Crossing his arms, his eyes drew the red hue, but it hid behind the blue. I nodded laying down and stared at him. He was grabbing a blanket and threw it over me before he walked away to the wall again.
• " Goodnight, Moon. I'll see you later." I smiled and snuggled into the pillow trying to get comfortable.
-" Goodnight, y/n." He shifts and watches as I dozed off. Everything went black and somehow, I wasn't scared of moon. 

He isn't who I think they think he is.

Dec. 31, 2021HELLO MY LOVLEYS! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THIS LITTLE SNIP OF SOMETHING. Don't worry more shall come when it comes just be patient. But again, thank you guys so much for everything. I will post later tonight like usual (or next year) so hope you all have a great New Year's Day!!!🎉🎉🎊

May 14, 2024: Grammar fixes, minor sentence changes

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