Movie Night

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We had decided to go and get some ice-cream. Yes, not really a good item but I didn't feel really in the mood for pizza or any of that. Also, I don't think Sunny has been...well up there. Nor do I really know if he ever seen him. In fact, I don't ever think I asked him about him. 

But I really do miss him. And I know Freddy misses him the most no doubt. Everything has changed around here and honestly don't know I can say if it was for the better or not.

-" Hey Sunshine, we're here."

Lost in thought I had forgotten that Sunny was caring me. Looking up I saw Sunny looking at the sign, "Bonnie Bowl." In big bold colorful words.

-" Ive...never been here before. I wish I could of met him. From what I've heard of him, he was a very nice Bunny. But the others never talk about him. Or at least with me, maybe it's cause I never asked or just never talked in general..."

He frowns his brows and looks away from the sign and sighs to himself. I put my hand on his shoulder and nod to him. He smiles gently but his eyes still showed remorse and sorrow. For someone who isn't "alive or living". These animatronics have so much emotion, they feel and think so much like us humans. But I feel they are just as much- no more human than we can be at times. If only I could do something to help with their pain and freedom...
Lost in thought I had almost forgotten what we have come here to do in the beginning. Sunny still was standing at the entrance, frowning in his thoughts.

• " Hey Sunny, you can put me down now."

Giving his a reassuring smile patting his shoulder. He snapped out of his trance and looked down at me but in return, he held me closer to him. Looking down at me with stubborn eyes.

-" No. I won't put you down. If you're okay with that may I do so once we get inside?"

I nodded not wanting to upset him. I didn't mind either way after all. I just thought maybe it will help ease what he may be holding. But I guess not.
He walked into the attraction staring at the decor and bowling balls that stood on display. He didn't stop though and continued down the hall to the main area, the bowling alley. It shined and glistened as the lights beamed on the wood flooring. Music wasn't booming but mildly bounced through the room as the bowling alleys themselves seemed to dance with the beat.
He continued down to the ice-cream area where the ice-cream bots who were making sharp side to side movements stood. He had then stopped...Right in front of the stage.

-" This must have been his stage..."

• " Yes, it was..."

We looked at the sign that had mild dust on it from how long it had stood there.

-" Where do you think they may have put him sunshine?"

• " I don't know..."

My mind had went to him possibly in parts and service but then I flinched. Thinking of how he may have been behind the curtains in his attraction. The thought of it made me shiver and a lump in my throughly had formed. I stared more at the stage and looked away. I won't open those curtains. For my sake and the others. For if I do find him there I would need to tell the others, especially Freddy. And I wouldn't want them to feel such pain, more pain of their friend not able or even close to a fixing, how he may have deteriorated...after all he is made from material, and we all decompose after we go.

But maybe if I look, I can know, maybe I can fix him even. Then things can change, and everyone can see each other and be happy. More....happy...

I look at Sunny who sits me down on one of the highchairs at the round table and sits next to me.

• " Sunny?"

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