The Announcement

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Third pov

Freddy was holding onto Y/n as she was swept into the darkness of her sleep.

-" SuperStar! SuperStar wake up! You mustn't sleep just yet!"

His jaw was bashed up with black liquid running now his mouth and eye. Only enough to give a trickle, but still enough to cause minor discomfort and damages. But he didn't care one bit. He gritted his teeth and had fully picked her up into his arms, rushing out the door slamming it open. He called for assistance from his system letting them know what's going on.

* " Why haven't you gone back to your stage? Why are you there in the first place Freddy?"

A worker over the phone said, annoyed and frustrated. This pissed off Freddy, very much so with the carelessness of just things.

This damned company won't do anything!

This was when he fully understood what situation he was in, the ranking of such things he never paid mind to till now. This just upsetted him more, his ears dropped low, and his eyes traveled to y/n. She laid still in his arms as a minor cut that laid across her forehead bled smoothly. Something about this just snapped in him.
A gear
              a switch
                                a chain
                                                a click.

His eyes changed a blackish color as the pupil turned a bright neon blue.
The nurse and manager were finally found. Or they found him as his back was turned. They all called out to him, he turned slowly. Facing them as the black fluid from his eye ran down his bashed-up cheek. They froze at his stance, his demeanor, his posture. It all was so different from who he was. His stare was so cold, it could cause an ice storm if it could do such things. His mouth was gaping as steam enveloped his mouth. A while holding his precious Superstar. Who was supposed to be safe where she laid to rest after such encounters.
He knew, he knew she wasn't safe though. It was the reason he was there in the first place. Moon had sent him a message of the incident. Saying he was denied of going with her. Of course, without hesitation he went to go be beside her. But he himself was denied access also. He told the staff also of the incident, but they didn't heed his words. They said no such things could be there. Of course, they would say anything to get the star of the show to go back to work.
Even if it meant over another's life.
But did they care?
No. They didn't.

And that's why the manager was there. He heard of cruel things that were happening. Dave knew something would happen sooner or later. But he was never told of such things. That itself was a violation.
This gave Dave the excuse to fire everyone involved of the incident.
There wasn't time for that right now though. He had to worry about Freddy doing something he would regret.
So, as he stood in front of this animatronic that held one of his staff members, who so happened to be the night guard. He needed to be careful, he knew better than to do anything rash. But he hoped the nurse beside him would understand that.

Freddy shifted his wait-never taking his eyes off them. He sighed before blinking very heavily, from there he called out.

-"She needs help, she needs medical attention now." He bellowed out, moving closer to them with plea in his eyes. He knew he couldn't do it himself; he knew he had to get help for her. He had to keep her safe through a way he didn't like.

Dave was shocked by his sudden change. His plea in his eyes as he held Y/n in his arms. But he didn't waste time in directing them to another room to seek medical attention.
Freddy sat her down as Dave and the nurse cleaned her wounds and checked for what was wrong. He turned to Freddy and sighed.

+ " She has a minor concussion. Be glad it's only that and this small cut. She does have smaller bruises and bumps but nothing severe enough that won't heal in a week."

Freddy sighed relieved by the news before resting his weight on the wall.

+ " Freddy, explain to me what happened to you two."

With that Freddy explained his side of the story. How she even got there in the first place. Dave only nodded and pulled a walk-talkie.

+ " I need security to sweep this whole pizzeria now. Top to bottom, we have a code red."

A voice had replied with a 'yes sir' before the whole pizzeria had a binging voice on the speaker.

'I need all security to come to the meeting room immediately.'

They have learned to not say anything from past incidents besides meetings. This was a code for a sweep of the whole area. That they did indeed, random staff would stop working and leave for the elevators. But that wasn't their concern for now.

Dave had looked down at the sleeping night guard who showed no signs of waking up anytime soon. He was worried and wanted to send them away, but policy wouldn't allow that. It's not that he didn't want to break it, (in fact he had tried) but to save face of the company, they board will only allow such things if the staff member has broken a limb...which she did not have. Until the place is fully closed shall they do as they please. There was still 30 minutes left till then.
It angered Dave very much as he walked to the doors.
Freddy could only stare down at his Little SuperStar. He was numbed by so many emotions at one time he never felt before. His chest was throbbing with a pain that was led to his stomach. It ached with so much pain. A single tear ran down his cheek, he remembered it then. It was close to the pain he felt when Bonnie had disappeared. He knelt down onto his knee and held her hand as the thought flew across his mind.
He couldn't lose her; he can't lose another friend.

Not like this.
Please wake up SuperStar.

The Daycare

Moon had heard the announcement over the intercoms.
By then the kids had already left and Sun needed more rest. So, Moon decided not to turn on the lights just yet in fear he wouldn't know how to react to Y/n disappearance.
This call shook him enough though. He left the daycare in a hurry to go find Y/n. He hadn't felt this either, this sudden dread and fear over a human of all things as well...



May 17, 2024: Grammar fixes

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