For Now!

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We woke up after our long nap. It was 12 am this point and Moon wouldn't allow me to go anywhere without his supervision. It was rough at first, but time went on and I slowly gotten used to it. He wasn't THAT bad; he did his best to watch me. It got kind of boring, so I decided to ask if he wanted to do something.

• "Hey Moon, can we do something?" He stares from his watch post at the top of the playground and tilted his head.

-" Like what? I'm not really the type that's good at games.....or playing... that's suns job." He jumped down and sat next to me.

-" But I guess I can try if it means you won't sneak off." 

• " Well how about we draw!" I chirped curious at what he can do. He looked away nervously but gave in. We walked to the craft area and pulled out some crayons. I gave him some paper and crayons myself and he sat there for a bit staring at it.

•. " Well go on Moon, it won't make itself." He slow bent down and started to draw. His way of drawing was a bit different from Sunny's. He laid down like Sun did but he just had his arms and legs resting. No childish motion or anything, He just drew quietly.
I decided to draw him like I did with Sunny. It would be....cute.

I had drawn him as he drew whatever he was drawing. He seemed to be enjoying himself though. Before I knew it, he sat up crisscrossed and lifted his paper. It
He drew me in a childlike drawing, it looked like I was sleeping in the drawing. It was cute and creepy at the same time which I actually enjoyed. I smiled and he shied away embarrassed probably.

-" H-here I know it isn't the best since I don't draw. But maybe you'll like to have it..." He looked to pout shyly at this comment. Not sure at me or himself. Smiling more I gently grabbed it from him and his eyes widely slightly.

• " I love it Moon, or should I say Moony?" He grew pink and slightly red. He frowned and turned away from me.

• " Ah come on don't be like that. It's only fair if I give you a nickname myself." 


Did he just grr at me!?! 

I tried not to laugh at the failed attempt to growl and as I held my face. He turned around even more red and started to go off.

-" HEY DONT LAUGH AT ME!" He popped my head with a crayon, and I then started to howl laughing.

• " A crayon?!Really! THATS your best!?" I started to roll back, laughing till I couldn't breathe. 

-" fine! Take this then!" He then stood up and tackled me roughly."
I wheezed at the impact and my laugh started to die out. I didn't notice till now, but he got me by my arms and sat on my legs.

-" You done now?" He stares unimpressed and I nodded, and he got off me. Sitting up I almost forgot the drawing I made and grabbed it showing him. He stopped and squatted down.

-" Is" He leaned in examining it more."

• " Yep! Since I didn't see any of you, I wanted to make one for you just like I did with Sunny!" I smiled holding it still. He tilted his head and gently touched the paper. Like if he did it would fall to shreds.
Urging him to take it he grabs it slowly. Barely any pressure and creasing. He stared at it intensely like he never seen a drawing before. It was fascinating, his eyes were so mesmerized by it, making me flustered slightly. I don't know why but it did. Something I made, made him hold with care, something fragile even. After a while he smiled warmly, then gave that same smile to me. Crawling towards me he gently placed it down and hugged me.

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