What's That?

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As we made our way around the daycare center, we had found a couple plushies. In the daycare theater we had found one in the back of the counter on the second floor.  It was high though and Sunny was out in the hall looking around in the rooms.

Curse my height! I HATE THIS!! Give me that damn toy!

I jumped up try to get the damn toy and tried shaking the shelf it was on, but it wouldn't budge. Starting to get mad I slammed into it and a box fell on me.

• " AH!"

As it fell on my head I toppled backwards and onto a pile of garbage it looked. Of course the box again fell on my face after falling back. I was laid out in the pile and groaned rubbing my temples and head.


After a moment I tried to get back up but realized I was stuck in a box. I couldn't get myself unstuck even after pulling and tugging on it.

Please don't let Sunny see me like this!

Relieved that I didn't actually end up in the trash I still had to get out the box. Some way I had to lean forward and 'crawl' so I can get it off somehow.
Doing so I shoved myself forward wiggling my way to the floor as I wiggled more trying to crawl away from it.
Before I knew it, I had heard footsteps coming my direction. 

Oh no! Sunny!

Panicking I tried rolling under a counter to hide but I just got stuck laying on my side as well since boxes don't do well rolling over.
Sunny pops up into the storage area calling for me.

-" Hey sunshine wher-?"

He looks down at me and tilts his head before realizing. Almost toppling over himself he crouched down to me, picking up the box.

- " How on earth did this happen?"

My face grew red in embarrassment as he tugged on the box trying to get it off.

-" Can you stand? If not try holding onto the pole as I pull."

Guiding me to the pole I grabbed it and began to pull. After a short while the box popped and went Sunny flying.

• " Sunny you okay??"

He nods as he put it down and grabbed the box on the top shelf. Chucking and giving it to me.

-" Was this the reason of your got stuck little turtle?"

He waved the box and laughs patting my head. Giving me the little gift box as I began to open it.

• " This is what almost killed me?"

Holding up the little prize Sunny begins to laugh as he takes the prize.

-" I GUESS SO! Well come on I checked all the other rooms and now let's go search for more in the main lobby for now."

Giving a nod we walked to the main lobby of the Megaplex and began to search, finding lost cards and plushies we decided to head to the main show stage. Again splitting up and finding plushies and foods.
In the distance though I had saw Roxy walking out from her attraction. She looked busy though, so I didn't want to bother along with Chica who was in the kitchen making herself a pizza. 

Everyone seems pretty busy today it seems.

Lost in thought, I made my way to the water towers in the basement. I needed to get into the office to check for lost items in there and see what can be put together. This should also help me navigate my way around the Megaplex with ease after a while working here. After all I don't plan on leaving anytime soon anyway.
The halls were very dark and musty, you can smell the mildoo and stuffiness in that place. Well, it is a water heater base anyway and I shouldn't mess with these things in case something goes wrong.

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