I Hate You!

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-" So, I guess Monty hasn't learned his lesson."

As Sun says this the lights begin to flicker. His stare stern and grows with displeasure. Before I knew it the lights went out. In his place stood Moon. Furious written all over his face.

-" Monty."

He exclaims as his eyes almost seemed to grow. Bright yet dark red as he hustles out the daycare. His chuckles fading and growling in place. Of course, I run after him as I call his name.

• " MOON! MOONDROP!! Don't do anything!!"

I run after him as I hear him in the distance. Oh God please don't let him do something he'll regret. Don't let him kill Monty, don't get hurt Moon! If this goes on like this, he'll not make it, he'll be decommissioned!
Running more I pant as I see his back in the distance. Swiftly moving like he wasn't even there. Only thing I'm hearing is his chuckle of anger.

• " Moon! Please don't hurt him! Don't do it!"

I call out and jump into him. He was halfway turned as he looks back. His anger grew to a shock as he wraps his arms in instinct to the impact. His eyes dimmed a small bit as he saw me. His face relaxing a little too as his growls though didn't go away.

-" Starlight? What are you doing here? You know we have to do this! He didn't listen to our warnings, and he will pay for it. Even Freddy has seen what he done."

• " So let him handle it, Moon! Please! If you do this you'll get, put out of commission or worse, being decommissioned!"

I grip hands around his arms. He pulls away though his face growing into a stern growl.

-" I don't care! Decommissioned or not I'll do it myself! Besides, it does matter anyway."

A glint of light growing as he begins to walk off.
This shook me, causing my heart to almost stop as a heavy weight built onto it.

• " Listen to yourself! You are willing to throw your life away cause of this!"

-" I said I don't care! We meant what we said, and I mean it too! This is personal now! Besides do you care what happens to that gator?"

• " Cause it will affect you damn it, Moon!"

He was taken back by this before stomping back to me. Getting into my face.

- " Look here starlight. I don't care what you think or say. This isn't about you understand? It's now personal with me and him now. So, unless you want to get your pretty little head of yours hurt, don't intervene. Also do you think we are friends or something? Cause we aren't. I'm just doing my duty to look out for you as part of my program. Your dumb to think I would ever-"

Not letting him finish whatever he had to say I slapped him as hard as I could. Tears straining to not fall down my face. My anger grew.

• " You're right. I'm stupid to think we we're! How could I ever care for a dumb robot like YOU?! I HATE YOU!!"

With that I walk away. I didn't want to see him at all. I didn't care what would happen to him. I was angry and just wanted to get out of there. To think that we were friends.

What a stupid idea.

I held myself as I made it back to the daycare and grabbed my stuff. And started to walk more but this time a different way so I wouldn't see that stupid Moon boy. I just wanted to go home. But since the doors were closed, I couldn't do anything really. So, I just walked and walked. I did want to see that other room next to Bonnie's bowling area. It wasn't necessarily there when I younger and the others never talked about it. So as such I walked careful to the lobby and up to the dance floor. Getting in the elevator I was a little nervous yet excited though. Since it has been a while since I went anywhere on my own in this place. As the doors rang and open, I walked out and saw the huge, tall room that was filled with arcades and a decent size dance floor with flashing lights and colorful floor lighting up. I couldn't help but walk over there in the silence that echoed my steps.
There though stood a big stage and what looked to be a DJ booth. I curiously walked up to it and behind it was a huge animatronic. This startled me and I knocked into the booth with a thud. But when looking closely more at it, it seemed to be asleep. I didn't want to disturb them if they were resting. So, I walked down the stage and to one of the tables that sat next to it. I didn't pay attention to the switch behind and fell into it. Clashing my face to the switch and pulling it as I tried grabbing onto anything and everything with a loud clash. This this though turned on the big lights and booming music.

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