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I slept till my shift started which was an hour, I think. Sunny didn't want me up and around, but I insisted. All he said was for him to take me the areas that was needed to be cleaned or assigned. So right now, we are in Monty's golf cleaning and sorting the balls and clubs. Sunny is doing most of it saying he doesn't mind but I felt bad.

-"LOOK SUNSHINE I CLEANED BACK HERE!" He trotted to me with two buckets of golf balls. It had only been 5 min and he was already on the other side. I smiled seeing how enthusiastic he was. I had picked up my area and sorted the clubs before Sunny picked me up and took us to our next location. When I checked the assignment, it said "find Chica and clean her up. She should be in her room but if not look in the kitchen." I showed Sunny but he was hesitant. He walked us to her room and sure enough she was there.

-"Hello there fellas! What may I do for you?" She cheeped with a smile.

•" I'm here to do a check up on you. Making sure to clean you before your next show." She nodded and Sunny waited out the room as she stood up and waited for me to check her. As I was checking, I did see pizza stains and other mirky stains. I had brought a rag with me and wiped her down. She giggled here and there but she didn't move. I smiled and we chatted, for a slight moment I had forgotten Sunny was in the back. He peeked in slowly and waved. Chica waved him in, and he shyly walked in holding his hands intwining them together. He gave a cheeky half smile not knowing what he should.
• " Hey Sunny, can you check for other spots to make sure." He nodded quietly and walked around her as she stared at him. He shook his head and laughed awkwardly

-" Hey Sundrop, why you so nervous? I promise I'm friendly!" She chirped giving him a warm smile. Almost like a switch he became his energetic self again. 

+ " HO HO HOO Y/N SHE SO NICE!" He swayed happily doing a small dance and grinned. They started talking about the kids and food that they had and their favorite activities.

•" Umm not to be rude but how come you guys never met?" I said confused.
They looked at each other and shook their head.

-" Sundrop only stayed in his daycare, as proto call we aren't allowed in his area. He is the only one allowed in there.

+" As for me," Sunny stepped in. " I never thought about talking to them. I know it's ironic of me but it's true. Even when I did roam the place, we never saw each other, nor Roxy and Monty. And I don't like Monty, he's really mean." He said crossing his arms.

•" why is that?" I asked intrigued of why he doesn't like him. Sunny isn't the type to dislike people without reason. He hesitated looking at Chica and sighed.

+ " Well, he had done some things that would in your case be banned. One night he came to the day care center and had broken the lights in his rage. In this process he also destroyed the theater and gift shop!" He huffed looking away.
+" Due to the incident, I got in trouble and Monty taunted me afterwards for snitching on him. At least that he told me." He looked like a child getting mad. It was cute honestly; I sighed and patted his head as he stared back at me. As I looked at my watch for the next task, I went wide eyed, oh jeez. I looked back at Sunny, and he tilted his head.

•" Sunny, I don't think your gonna like this." I showed him and it said to clean Monty's room. He groaned loud. Chica just giggled and smiled.

-" May I join you guys? I'd like to help you clean up since it can get pretty back with cameras and other things. I nodded and Sunny seemed to calm down before we headed next door.

Chica knocked on the door and called out to Monty, there was no reply, so we assumed he wasn't here. When she opened the door, she just sighed to herself. I peeked in and saw a total mess of wires and broken things. 

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