The Talk

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-" Y/n?"

He turned his whole body around. His face seemed to be stiff, looking closer in the dim light that showed itself from behind me. Showed Moon with his eyes a pale blue mixed with red. Like he had cried his eyes out but showed no tears what do ever. He looked destroyed. His voice was husky when he called out.

-" Y/n? Is that you?"

His voice cracking and pleading almost. When he looked closer his eyes widened and like a spring, he snapped out of his what seemed to be trance.

-" Oh my god Y/n!"

His voice coming back, he rushed over to me. Afraid I would have it I closed my eyes and waited for some type of impact. Nothing came though, I opened them slowly and saw Moon standing there with sad eyes.

-" Starlight- y/n I'm...."

He grips his arm with his hand and gritted his teeth. Then continues to look at me.

-" I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that...ANY of it. You're right though, I should've listened and did as you said. All you were doing was looking out for me. I treated you poorly and unfair and rudely."

He lets his arm go and frowns sadly.

-" When you had said those things and left. I didn't realize what I did at that point. I was blinded by hate and anger. But when I went to find him, he wasn't anywhere to say. So, when I came back, expecting you to be back at the daycare. I didn't realize what I did till I didn't see you. The one friend who truly cared for me. And was there for me."

His face grew sadder. His eyes growing and to a bluish red.

-" When I searched everywhere in there and saw nothing. I knew you really meant to leave. Of course, you didn't have the key to the entrance, so I went looking for you, upset at what I've done. I've tried asking everyone here but when they said they haven't seen you that's when I got very worried, that something bad happened to you. That's when everything hit me."

He came closer and brushed my hair out my face.

-" The realization of losing you was tormenting. That losing you would be losing what was important to not just me but Sun."

He grabbed my hand and came close.

-" What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry. Can you forgive and please stay with us? And continue to be our friend?"

His eyes pleaded as he knelt down to my height. I knew I couldn't stay mad.

• " We are friends after all, so I forgive you."

He perked up and hugged me tightly.

-" Thank you. Thank you, starlight."

He pulls away and tilts his head.

-" I do have a question though. Where were you hiding?"

• " Oh, um, it's a secret."

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

-" Well let's not hide from me little star."

The lights began to flicker, and he chuckled.

-" Don't tell Sun this little star, it's our secret."

He smirks holding his finger to his lips and winks.

-" I'll see you later."

The lights turned on and out came Sunny. His opens his eyes and looks around in a panic. When he spots me in front of him, he hugs me tightly.

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