Tag, Your It

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We decided to play Tag, Sunny called to be first and set the ground rules for us.

-" Rule 1: we stay in lit areas, leading back to rule one of the day care rules in general.
Rule 2: anything goes except getting hurt in process. Anything that's harmful doesn't count. Usually, I would put one more out there but since we aren't kids it's more leeway. But like said anything goes for us. Hiding, play areas, outside of the daycare. As long as there is light and not dangerous. All game!" He sure was serious with the rules and about safety which I understand that. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen.
He goes to a corner and turns around counting up to 10. He wanted to give me a head start since he not sure on speed for me. 'A fair advantage.' He said before skipping to the corner
-" READY!"

•" Yep!" I crouched down a little getting ready to take off

-" Ready.....Set......GO!!" I take off out of the play area doors.
-" One!" I was out the doors

-"Two!" Up the stairs...

-" Four!" Down the hall....His voice started to die out....

Six....Out the daycare doors to the hall.....

Seven.....Out of the daycare doors....

Eight......in the elevator pressing the button.....

Nine.....doors closed and going down

Ten.....doors still closed going down listening to the chimes of the elevator......

The doors open a couple seconds later and dart out the doors running down the escalator.

He's coming....

I ran into the kitchen and saw a boy standing there. I decided to hide behind the huge oven looking thing. Not to actually hide and trap myself. But still out of view but enough to let's run for it in the process.
I waited for any noises that were off. Heart racing and pacing for the anticipation of the excitement that was unfolding in this game. I took these games very serious. It helped me always win. Think of it as survival of the fittest. Anything went right? Well, I'll make sure I don't get tagged. I make sure I win. That I don't get caught. I calmed my breathing, only through the nose, that is what gets people caught if to loud. The silence is loud after all.
Then I heard it, it's only been 5-7 minutes and he already is making his way down here.

He's fast.

My heart began to race again as I heard him call out.

" I know your hear sunshine... I'll catch you; I always do." 

His bells rang and jingled lightly in the distance. They grew closer, and closer.

The door opens. And the shuffling of his feet makes his way over here.
The kitchen door slowly slings open with a squeak.

He's here.

Footsteps walked to the left of me. Bells ringing with every step. He giggled; he knew I was here. He knew what he was doing to. I slowly shifted to the right as he walked. I looked for his feet and sound of them. Shifting when he does and stopping when he does. He starts to turn the corner and I hid on the other side. Then he stopped. Breathe hitched and so did my heartbeat. It came so loud that there was no way he wouldn't noticed. He sighed and giggled again.

"There you are~" He hummed. I dove under the tables as he ran towards me. He tried to reach for me but missed. Rolling as I slid to the other side he jumped over the tables. I was out the door before he could even get back to the left. Running as fast as I could I ran for it.

Don't get caught.

I panted as I ran up to the other side of the lobby as he chased after me. He was getting closer and closer. I dig zig zags as he did the same. Running up the escalator as I distracted him with noises to a door making it swing open. Confusing him he runs towards it while I ran up. I panted running to the other side and down again to an attraction.
"Monty Golf." It read; well guess we are making a visit aren't we. I ran under the gates and looked around the place for a place to hide. I heard him running around looking for me.

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