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Slowly waking up from my nap I rub my eyes, closing them again. Shifting more I hear something.

-" Starlight, come on let's get up."

A soft voice gently says as they gently move me. I groan and roll over.

• " mmmm 5 more minutes."

-" You said that 5 minutes ago starlight."

Softy chuckling as I feel a set of arms wrap around me. I open my eyes as I meet with Moon lifting me up as he looks down at me gently. Noticing me awake he smiles; I brush the hair that's in my face as groan from still having heavy eyes.

• " Where are we going?"

Rubbing the tiredness out my eyes, Moon starts to walk.

-" Well, I'm gonna put you in our room. If you're still that tired then that's the place I'm putting you, if not you can help me clean up our mess."

• " Aren't I heavy?"

He stops and looks down at me. Lifting me up to his height, face to face with him. Propping me up with his arm against my back while the other held my upper under thighs. Resting my hands on his shoulders. He stares heavily into my eyes. Those crystal blue eyes reflecting my figure back.

-" No. you're not starlight. You'll never be heavy to me."

He rests his face into the crook of my neck making my cheek burn.

-" Let's check that mark on your neck."

He lifts his hand to my neck, brushing my hair to the side as he slowly takes off the bandage on it.

-" Tell me if it hurts starlight, okay?"

I nod and he examines it.

-" It looks much better, there still a slight bruise there though. Besides that, the mark itself is better."

I look down at him and he continues to stare at my neck. He seemed to zone out since he didn't blink for a minute. Gently rubbing the spot with his thumb.

-" Does this hurt?"

He looks up to me, his face looked to grow sad or worried. My chest grew tight as my heart seemed to skip a beat as he looked at me.
I shook my head.
He takes a deep breathe smiling slightly. He leans into my neck as I feel him gently breathe a sigh. Suddenly I felt a soft gentle touch on the spot, he kissed it. This caused me to shiver as my cheeks grew a bright red. He pulls away and looks up at me again.

-" They say a kiss can make things better. Maybe this will help it get better."

His cheeks grew blue as he looked away.

-" Um let's get this place cleaned up, shall we?"

Still stunned by what Moon had done all I could do was nod. He puts me down and I rush to grab some shapes from the fort and put them back where they came from. Face red as a cherry I knew it was and I didn't want Moon to see me like that.

-" I'm going to put the blankets and pillows up, okay?"

• " ya!"

I hid my face as Moon went off and put the stuff in the closet. Trying to calm down as I gently touched the spot where he kissed.

Get a hold of yourself!

I smacked my face with my hands and took a deep breathe.

-" You okay over here?"

I yelped as Moon popped up behind me tilting his head. He looks down at me and pops up before smirking. He leans down to me.

-" oh~? Well, aren't you just a red moon~?"

He teases as he chuckles.

-" Did I do this~?"

He brushes his fingers gently against my cheek as I grew more flushed. Starring more into his eyes as he looks back in mine with sly smile. His eyes grew a slight color of red as the blue mixed with it. I shook away from his grasp.

• " What time is it?"

-" It's almost 6 am. To be exact it's 20 till then."

Looking up as he rests his hand on his forehead sighing. Looking back down at me.

-" It seems our time will be ending soon it seems."

• " It seems so."

I run my hand through my hair as he becomes fixated on it. He raises his hand and lifts a strand of hair analyzing it.

•  "Moon?"

He lets go. Smiling with a nod.

-" Sorry starshine, don't know what came over me."

• " You're alright Moon, you could play with my hair if you liked too."

He smiles more before shaking his head.

-" Ah whatever it's nothing right."

Nodding we finish cleaning up the place. Doing so I hear my watch go off.


I looked for Moon and found him by the office space, he waves.

-" See ya."

Then the lights went on. And in his place was Sun. He opened his eyes looking around before spotting me.

-" Sunshine?"

• " Hey Sunny!"

His rays turned and jumped up and down tackling me.


He spun us around as he laughed and giggled in excitement and joy.

• " Woah! Sunny your gonna drop me!"

My head started to spin as he stopped putting me down. Trying to get my balance back I topple over my own feet as Sunny caught me.

-" Sorry Sunshine I didn't think that would happen."

He holds me steady as I do my best to gain my balance. Holding my sides as he stares concerning down at me. I shake my head and start to feel myself gaining my balance.

• " I think I'm good Sunny."

He holds on a little longer before hesitantly pulling away. Hovering his hand beside my back.

-" You sure?"

Nodding of course and I take a couple steps before nodding again.

• " Yep, I'm doing just fine Sunny."

He smiles giving me another big hug laughing.

-" Hey Sunshine, how about we explore the Megaplex? It would be fun, in fact Let's go and try finding things!"

• " Like things that would go be considered lost?"

Tilting my head at his little request.

-" Hehe YEP!"

Chirping at this he smiles much bigger with his eyes closed as he leaned down waiting for my response.

• " That isn't half bad honestly. Alright let's go and do that you big Ol bundle of joy."

I gently pinch his soft cheek as I smile back at him. His eyes widened and his face grew a pink hue, rubbing his cheek.

-" Alright then!"

He grabs my hand and we begin to make our way out. Starting with the daycare center.


Fed. 7 2022: Finally! I got this chapter out. I've been getting it back and I guess this sick day paid off for me. You guys have been so supporting and I can't thank you enough. Thank you all for being patient with me also. I'm very glad that you all are having fun with this too. Again, thank you all for your support and actually reading this. I never thought that my story would blow up to this extent. I love you all, take care of yourselves too. And be good❤️🥺🥰
See you in the next chapter!😊😊🤪

May 15, 2024: Grammar fixes, very minor sentence changes

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