Well Then

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I hopped into Freddy's chest, surprisingly it did have enough room for me to fit in. With still more room to also wiggle in too.

+ " Are you doing alright in there Superstar?"

He beings to walk out of the back room and into his main room.

• " I am Freddy don't worry. How long do you think this will take?"

He beings to head out and into the main hallway as his footsteps echo in the hallway.

+ " Not long, I can hear him right now even. So, keep it down now."

I hushed as I listened more. He was right, as expected we can hear Sunny's footsteps down the hallway as he slams the door open.
There stood Sunny, as he stared directly at us, mostly Freddy as he stomped his way over to us. His face was twisted into a very unpleasant stern frown.

-" Where is she?"

He said in a stern tone, as he walked up to him. Looking down at Freddy still with a twisted look.

+ " She should be at the daycare Sun, after the elevator we split ways."

Freddy didn't even flinch when he told him this. Sun tho continued to stare into him with daggers as he raised an eyebrow.

-" Is that so? Well, I'll be going then, but if she isn't there. I hope you can make plans on finding her."

He turned around as he coldly told Freddy this before walking away. His foot steps fading away gradually before a door had closed. Freddy had sighed a deep breathe before walking away to the other side of the hall.

+ " That went splendid. Seems to be going as planned but are you doing alrighty?"

He taps his chest and I giggle.

•" Yes, Freddy I'm doing alright."

+ " That's goods."

• " When can I get out Freddy?"

+ " In a little bit, once we know Sunny isn't around close enough for you to get to your next hiding spot. Can you wait that long?"

• " Yep! I can do that."

He begins to chuckle a deep chuckle to this.

+ " That's my superstar."

He continues to walk down the hall as we went through a set of doors. Beyond there was another hall, looks like he wants us to really get far then.

+ " When I get to the other side of these doors. Take this path, it will lead you to the daycare and there you should hide. Sunny would come to me again and you should go after he leaves or before. One of those two, up to you how we go by this plan."

Sit thinking about it really was a thought twister for sure. Should I go after Sunny leaves or be at the daycare already before Sunny gets there? I'm not sure, maybe I should leave before Sunny gets here.

•" I think I'll hurry up and go now."

Freddy nods and his chest opens up, gently grabbing me to help me down from him.

+ " Well, I'll see you later superstar."

He pulls me into a hug, and I hug him back. He pats my head and I turn around to go down the hall to the daycare.

• " Bye Freddy be careful now."

+ " You too, my super star!"

He waved to me, and I did the same. Before I knew it, he was out of sight. The hall was kinda dark, but I eventually did make my way back.
Opening to the doors to the daycare center I walked down the dim lit hall as the posters looked dull in the light. 

I hope Freddy will be okay, after all who knows if this was a good idea.

Getting to the other side I hear the music of the daycare playing, not wanting to waste time I when t down the slide quietly and gently landing in the ball pit. 

Hope Sunny didn't stick around.

Getting up and out I make my way to the center of the daycare and decided to maybe keep myself busy.
Looking around I decided to clean up the crafts area that had paint on the walls. So going to my cleaning station and coming back with a rag and spray I did just that.

10 minutes have gone by and still nothing from sun. 

I hope he is okay...

Before I knew it the daycare lights went out.


In the distance I could hear laughing, following it was a set of doors slamming as the laugh grew louder.
Soon the daycare doors flew open as Moon walked in with a grin on his face, his eyes red.

-" Naughty girl~"

He looked in the dark and made contact with me by the crafts section and grinned more.

-" Were you playing hide and seek? Cause it seems I have found you."
He trotted his way over and leaned down at me.
-" Sunny was very upset that he couldn't find you, you know. After Freddy told us you were playing around, he seemed to cool down a slight moment before making his way over here. I'm not sure why Sunny is fascinated with you, but it seems I can't see it myself."
He stares down at me with a stern face, like he was puzzled on what to do or what to think.

• " Um Moon?"

I hesitantly spoke as I reached out to touch his arm. He flinched as I barley grazed his it causing him to jump back. He squinted his eyes closed before opening them again as he snapped out of it. He stared down at me still and glared.

-" Well since you want to play games small one. What shall we play then~?"

He grinned as he came close again. Shifting his posture, his right hand on his hip as he tapped it with his finger and the other left hanging.
I was confused and nervous by how he held himself. Almost like a predator playing with his food. He was amused by this too; he knew what he was doing. He knew what power he was holding.

-" Well? I say we play a little game of tag. How does that sound? After all, you played with Sun all this time. I find it fair."

I nodded and he stepped aside as he lifted his arm out to guide me to that direction.

-" I'll give you a 5 second start. So you better hurry for I'll be counting. But! If you can last 10 minutes without me catching you, I'll let you go. And I'll personally will turn on the lights."

• " What if you do catch me?"

He sneered by this chuckling.

-" Then you'll have to listen to me the rest of the night, whatever I want~ understand?"

I nod.

-" I'm glad~ now hurry~"

He waved me to go, and I ran for it. This could be my life on the line after all. With how he is acting it seems he isn't going to make it easy for me too.

I must hurry!


Jan. 18, 2024: Hey loves sorry for the late update. I had got sick this weekend nothing bad of course, just stomachache and fever/sore but I feel better now so expect another one soon! Hope y'all are enjoy it so far. And for being patient with me. Enjoy your week loves and thank you all!!❤️❤️🥺😊

May 15, 2024: Grammar fixes, minor sentence changes

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