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Hey everyone. I apologize for not updating and that's my fault. I would just like to inform you all that I have been working on the chapters just not a lot. And I will be honest I been going through a tough time right now. A few loved one have died these recent months and yesterday my grandmas dog BB died early afternoon when I was working. I've been going through a mood today let alone these few months. I know I really should get back to writing cause it would cheer me up but my motivation right now is low. These loved ones were the most precious to me since I was very young and I started writing just to get over some pain of my cat I lost late December last year from a car. She was a very loving older cat who never acted her age. But I just wanted to let you guys know why I've been so speratic. Also school has been keeping me busy so there's also that. I truly do miss writing a lot and gave me so much joy seeing you all enjoy it so much. I promise to start up soon after this funk and be able to post everything I wrote at once or within a few days from each other like the old times. I love you all and thank you for everything.

P.S The Brothers have somethings to say.

💙- we should play hide and seek again soon~
💛- I hope we can play again very soon!

💛💙- MISS YA!

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