Lets Play!

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I freeze as Sunny looked at him. Honestly I was kinda scared. Sunny didn't show any anger, more confusion but I still was kinda scared. Who knows what he will do.

+ " Hey Sundrop! Don't get mad at her I didn't mean to start something!"

He rushed over with his hands out waving them. Trying to get his attention. Of course it worked, Sunny had turned to him and that, is what made Sunny tic, literally even.

-" Is that so? Then why are you here then? Shouldn't you be off somewhere else? At least not here?"

He almost hissed as he told Monty. Monty understood he wasn't welcomed but he stayed, in fact, he slowly crept towards us more.

+ " Sundrop, I'm not here to start trouble I'm here to apologize to both of you. More you know since I have already with little Rockstar over there. But doesn't change what I need to say. I'm sorry for upsetting you, with everything."

He Had taken his glasses off as he looked at him. Sunny looked at me then stood up slowly, facing Monty. Towering over him since Monty was around 6.5'. Monty looked up at him unfazed as Sunny leaned down to face him, face to face in fact.

-"She may forgive you, but I won't. Not so easy at least. What you did isn't forgiving, you're lucky moon didn't turn you to scrap metal when he had the chance. This is end of discussion, I find out that you go anywhere near her let alone touch her. I'll scrap you, myself."

He hissed as he turned around. I had already cleaned up everything as they were talking as he made his way over to me. A knot lodged into my throat by this. But even tho he was mad he gently grabbed my hand and tugged me along with him.

-" Let's go sunshine."

I nodded as I turned around. There stood Monty as he sighed. Looking over to me and gave a sad smile. Throwing his glasses back on and walking away.

Juuuussssst greaaat...

We had made it back to the daycare center. Sunny didn't say anything the whole way. He was quiet the entire time, didn't even look at me. He had let go of my hand and walked a couple steps forward before stopping completely. He turned around and looked at me, upset.

-" Sunshine, why didn't you tell me about this?"

He said in a gently yet hurt tone.

• " I didn't want you to over think it Sunny, plus I didn't need to tell you anything."
I looked at him as he continued to do so as well.

-" Sunshine, you're my best friend. I need to make sure your safe! What if he did it again, or worse?! What do you think would happen? You could of at LEAST TOLD ME!"

He began to grow louder as he went on.


Taking a couple steps towards me he grabbed my shoulders, not hard tho. Looking into my eyes with a painful stern face. Caressing his hand gently across my cheek.

-" Don't go anywhere near him. Not without my supervision, Understand?"

He leaned closer, waiting for his answer. I could only nod, of course he didn't take that as an answer.

-" Words Sunshine."

• " Yes Sunny, I understand." I sigh sulking by how he treated me like kid. I mean he IS a day care assistant who watches over them. But still, I'm an adult I can do as I please...with certain things.

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