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I woke up after a long nap. I didn't even realize how long it was. I yawned and rubbed my eyes trying to rub off the tiredness I had in me. But while I was doing that I heard shifting in the bed.

Who is in my bed?! 

My eyes shot open, forgetting I was at work; to be precise, I was in bed sleeping with Sunny. And that shifting was him. 

Can animatronics sleep? I mean they can power down, but would that be considered sleeping though??

While thinking I didn't pay attention at where I was staring till, I realized I was staring into Sunny's chest. He had his arms wrapped around me firmly but not tight. He was rubbing my back gently every once in a while, which could be since he works with kids to naturally do that to comfort them in their sleep. 

But wouldn't he need to be awake for that? Wait....IS HE AWAKE!?

I looked up and saw he his head was faced down towards me. His head must have been resting on mine. But since I moved, he is now face to face with me. My eyes shot wide open, but his eyes were closed. 

Is he really sleeping? 

I examined his face; it seemed to be not so metal like. As it was soft, was his sunrays sharp? Then it clicked in.

His skin was soft. Why is it soft? Is it because he handles children? But at the same time why is his shape different in some way?

While thinking this I had some point subconsciously reached my hand to his face. 

He IS soft!

I was over flooding with childish urges and emotions. I really wanted to play with his face and feel his sunrays. I could feel my heart flutter and skip. Before I knew it, I was caressing his face gently and rubbed his cheeks. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly looking at me. I flinched and stopped, staring at him wide eyed.

- "Having fun sunshine?" He said in a gentle tone.

Is that his nickname for me? 

I blushed pure red realizing he was awake. 

•"Umm did I wake you?" I said shyly and embarrassed.

-"No, I was awake the whole time, oh I hope you like your new nickname also!"  he smirked looking at me. 

• "What? You were awake...THE WHOLE TIME!?" I Yelped embarrassed looking at him.
He nodded smiling and giggled

- " What you were enjoying yourself. Did you think I was hard to the touch? Hehe no but I could be in certain situations. (Don't get your head in the gutters just yet you dirty dogs 😏 That won't happen for a bit still. He is innocent.....I think at least. For now) I raised my eyebrow in confusion. 

• " what situations could you mean?" I didn't think he meant it in a bad way since he works with children so he wouldn't know such things and lord forbid be programmed for such things. 

Wait can he think in such a way though?

-" Well, that can be with certain supplies I would work with like scissors or sharp things that would pierce me in just a delicate form. It's a precaution just in case something happens. But I also use it for other things with heavy lifting. So, I don't bend or crack." He lifted his hand towards mine and placed on his cheek. "I mean it wouldn't be fun if kids couldn't enjoy spending time with me now would it. You certainly enjoy it. Maybe even more than them." He rubbed his thumb on my hand while melting into it. Closing his eyes and opening them again to look at me. "After all it'd be a-shame if I couldn't enjoy feeling your touch. In a literal way even" his eyes looked gentle and meaningful. He meant what he said.

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