Found You

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- " one..."

I decided to try and run to Freddy and see if he can help me. If I can hide from him for at least close to 10 minutes I can use the rest and run back to daycare.

-" two...."

I had already ran out of the gates and to the stairs.

-" three..."

Finally up and on the walkway.

-" four..."

Still running down the walkway but only half way there.
Damn it I'm not gonna make it to the doors in time!


In the distance was the jingling of moons bell as his laugh began to grow near. By then I had just made it to the gate of the daycare center.

-" Better hurry~"

I look to my side as I saw moon already caught up to half my distance.

How the hell is he so fast?!

I looked forward again as I rolled under the closing gates as they moved upwards. In almost a smooth form I had gotten back up and continued to run. The gate pad Closed again before reopening. He was on my tail now, if I had to guess without looking and his bells jingling behind him every so often. I'd say 7 yards and if I don't lose him, I'm going to get caught before a minute had gone by.
His laughter was growing and so was my doom. Running down the hall and into the front lobby of the Megaplex, I decided to slide down the rails since it was the fastest. And sure it was, I covered the whole flight in a second. By then moon had just slammed the doors open and I was gone behind the counters by now. 

This is my chance!

When running through the set of doors I went straight to the green rooms of the main animatronics.

Please be there Freddy!

By then I lost the sound of moons bells and laughter and was greeted with a back in my face as I slammed into it.

• " ouuuu!"

I rubbed my nose as I looked up and saw that it was Freddy

+ " Superstar? What are yo-u"

• " Freddy I need to hide! Moon is chasing me and if I get caught something bad may happen!"

He nodded and looked around quickly. His chest plate then started to open up.

" Alright hurry then!"

Saying in a hushed loud whisper. I had climbed in and as soon as I did so Moon was being heard from the hall. By then I was already hidden but that didn't mean I wasn't scared.

What if he finds me?

Moon popped around the corner by now and he had saw Freddy.

-" Well, if it isn't mister Glamrock Freddy. Let's cut to the chase, where did y/n take off too? I know you know."

He giggled and smirks at him as I do my best not to make a sound. I was shaking by then, Freddy could feel me shaking I bet too. But all he did was sigh and point to the direction behind us.

+ " She seemed to be in a hurry, but she went that way."

He looks behind him and looks back at Moon.

-" Oh, is that so? Well, I'm glad we got an understanding by this then. I better go chase her. After all the time is ticking."

He giggled as he laughs and heads off down the hallway behind us. After he was gone, we both sighed, and Freddy continued to walk down the hall himself.

+ " You mind telling me what's going on superstar? Whatever it is, it's shaken you up I can tell."

I had taken a deep breathe before exhaling.

• " Moon wanted to play a little game since Sunny and I did just that. But the catch was if I win I get Sunny back, but if he wins I have to follow what he wants."

Freddy nodded as he took us to his room and let me out.

+" I'm sorry superstar, it's been I think 5 minutes. Maybe if we head back and you run straight to daycare, you'll make it."

• " Ya you're right, we should head there then."

I get back into Freddy's chest and we made our way over to the daycare hallway. Freddy didn't want us to get caught so I just wanted him to drop me off here. I don't know if this counts as cheating but I'd rather not find out.

• " Alrighty Freddy this is my stop."

He lets me out as he helps me jump out of his suit and helps fix my hair.

+ " Alright I should hurry up and head out of here before Moon finds us. Be safe, my little superstar."

He rests his hand on my head, and I flush lightly as he chuckles lightly rubbing my head. I smile up at him and nod. Letting go he walks away as I head back to the daycare. Time felt slow at that moment. Everything seemed off, like it was waiting for me to come back. Being greeted by the darkness that still fell before the daycare I took my flashlight back out. Since Freddy lit the way the whole time I didn't have to worry about it. Honestly, the silence that fell before the daycare gave me chills running down my back. 

Get it together, I have to listen closely if I want to find out we're Moon may be.

I took a deep breath as I slowly walked down the path to the stairs. All I could hear was my footsteps on the hard floor. Making my way down the stairs as the echos of my shoes bounced off the walls. I could hear my heart beat through my chest. It was so loud even the silence seemed loud.

Why is it so quiet?!

I walked to the doors of the daycare and slowly pulled them open. They didn't make any loud noises thank god but doing so still felt loud. After making my way into it, I decided to check the time. 

Still 2 minutes left. I can make it!

Smiling to myself I head off to office space and sit in the chair.

One minute left!

I got up and head to the center of the playground fixing my clothes. Suddenly I could hear a creaking behind me. Turning around I'm greeted by a massive figure grabbing onto me as the chuckled.

-"I have found youuuu~ looks like I win~"

His hands were wrapped around my waist.

I was so close!


Jan. 20, 2022: Here you go my loves enjoy this while I get another one done❤️ Enjoy~

May 15, 2024: Grammar fixes, very minor sentence changes

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