Preping for The Stay

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Third POV

After the news was shown to Moon, he couldn't handle himself. He was almost in a haze; he couldn't think of anything but her. He could only think of how much she must be hurting, how much she may not trust him. All cause he wanted to tease her a bit... it was his fault that he put her in that state.
It was all he could think of.

Yet he somehow knew he must make it right for her. He knew Sun wouldn't want him like that. He knew he didn't want his 'brother' to see him disappointed either. So he got to work and decided to make their room a place for her to stay. The thought of that made his chest and stomach heave with excitement for some odd reason.

Moon POV

I need to clean this place up. I thought our room would be best since it's out of the way yet easy for us to aid her while keeping others out of bay. So I hurried up the tower and looked around our room. It was a bit messy since Starlight came but we couldn't help but get distracted. So I hurried and cleaned up the room and put everything up nice and neatly. While looking around I had forgotten that earlier we had gotten a new bed. It was king sized since it's been years and our bed was kinda broken. So they thought a bigger bed would help.
Little did they know that this would be used for someone else at first.

I had unboxed it and put the bed together before placing it in the corner so it's out of the way. But I felt it was missing something. Oh!

-" It could really use some life in this area."

Smiling I decided why not decorating the place a bit to make it look nicer. I would hope Sun and Starlight would enjoy the new look. So I grabbed some stuff and headed to work.

2 hours later

I had placed fairy lights around the area, along with many blankets and pillows just so she can get comfortable. I'd do anything to make sure she is well and comfortable. It's the best I can do to help.

After what I did after all...

I frowned and shifted lightly, I rubbed my head in annoyance. As I did so I felt something off.

Why is my head...soft?

I look down at my hands more carefully.

- "W-what..."

Why are my hands so.....human...?

I rushed off the the nearest mirror and gasped. My eyes shot open. I raised my hand to my face and turned my head back and forth. Looking at all sides of my face.
As I stood there in front of the mirror, what stared back was...human...

My face was shaped different, my skin was pale but...not white. Half my face was a charcoal gray, Touching it more it was still rough, metallic yet soft. My eyes were a blue color. Human eyes to say, with black-wait....maybe dark brown. I squinted to look closer, my clothes looked the same just skin tight to my chest now. My hands didn't have blue tips but fingerless gloves that went to a little above my elbows. My nails long and sharp like claws, with blue or black color instead. I looked at my body more. In fact, I was quite toned...and I was still my usual okay?

I messed with the strands of hair that were just above my eyes. Groaning loudly and sighing.

" Well, that's just perfect!" I sighed out more and got up.

" How did this happen...what the hell is going on?!"

I can't tell the others...I can't say anything to sun either...god what do I-

A sharp pain shoots me causing me to lean over holding onto my stomach, I screamed and groaned out. I pant and wheeze before it goes away.

I slowly get up and look around at myself again. I shifted back.

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